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Procedures for adding or removing courses from the General Education Core


APSU requires the University Curriculum Committee to maintain a reasonable number of general education courses and to submit any proposed additions and deletions in a timely manner. Therefore, any proposed additions or deletions should follow the campus process below.

  1. Faculty, in consultation with the Department Chair, shall propose addition or deletions to the core by utilizing the following process:
    1. If the course is currently being taught, the Undergraduate Course Revise form (Curriculog form 11) should be utilized. Ensure that you have selected "yes" in regards to if the proposal is attempting to add a course to the core.
    2. If a new course is being proposed, utilize the Undergraduate New Course form (Curriculog form 9). Ensure that you have selected "yes" in regards to if the proposal is attempting to add a course to the core.
  2. The Department Chair should approve the proposal in Curriculog at least one week prior to the College Curriculum Committee meeting.
  3. If proposed changes impact teacher licensure programs, the proposal will be forwarded to the Council for Teacher Education (CTE) for consideration prior to the General Education Standing Committee meeting. 
  4. All proposals in Curriculog should be approved to the General Education level by the third week of the month. Proposal should include a copy of the course syllabi.
  5. The General Education Committee will forward all recommendations to the Provost no later than the first Monday of the month to be considered at the University Curriculum Committee Meeting.
  6. The recommendations of the University Curriculum Committee will be submitted to the APSU President for final approval.