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Promoting Academic Student Success (PASS)

Promoting Academic Student Success (PASS) is aimed at students on academic probation (pre- or post-suspension). This course helps repave your Path to Graduation with a unique Austin Peay State University experience. It is flexible to meet student needs while maintaining proven core concepts from higher education research. Managed by the Office of New Student Programs and Initiatives, this course is designed for your success.

Why You Need PASS

If you're hesitant to take PASS 0900, know that it is required if you are on Academic Probation. This course is not a punishment but a supportive tool to help you succeed. It is reflective, engaging, and geared towards your academic and career growth.


How Will PASS Help Me?

PASS focuses on helping you grow academically and personally. The course includes:

Support Team

You will have a dedicated support team including:

Our goal is to see you walk across the stage at Commencement!

PASS 0900

Course Overview

PASS 0900 is a non-credit, pass/fail course designed to provide academic and personal support for college success. It is mandatory for freshmen and sophomores on academic probation.


Key Points


Course Objectives

The main objective of PASS 0900 is to help students repave their Path to Graduation when they enter Academic Probation.


Course Design

PASS 0900 includes 'wrap-around support' throughout the semester to help you achieve your academic goals. Key elements include:


Course Offerings

PASS 0900 is available in two formats:

Available times may vary.


Course Support

Complete wrap-around support includes: