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  • B.A. University of Virginia
  • M.A. University of Colorado, Boulder
  • Ph.D. University of Denver

Amy Wright is the author of Paper Concert: A Conversation in the Round (Sarabande Books 2021) as well as three poetry books, and six chapbooks. She has received two Peter Taylor Fellowships to The Kenyon Review Writers Workshop, an Individual Artist Fellowship from the Tennessee Arts Commission, and a fellowship to Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. She is serving as the 2022 Wayne G. Basler Chair of Excellence at East Tennessee State University. Her essays and poems appear in Fourth Genre, Georgia Review, Ninth Letter, and elsewhere.

Appalachian literature and culture, science and nature writing, lyric essays


     Paper Concert: A Conversation in the Round (Sarabande Books, August 2021)

     Creeks of the Upper South, co-authored with William Wright (Unicorn Press, 2017)

     Everything in the Universe (Iris Press, June 2016)

     Cracker Sonnets (Brick Road Poetry Press, 2016)



     Think I’ll Go Eat A Worm: Essays (Iris Press, March 2019) 

     Wherever the Land Is: Essays (MIEL Books, 2016)

     Rhinestones in the Bed, or Cracker Crumbs (Dancing Girl Press, 2014)

     The Garden Will Give You A Fat Lip (Pavement Saw Press, 2012)

     Farm (Finishing Line Press, 2010)

     There Are No New Ways to Kill A Man (Apostrophe Books, 2008)