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Adjunct / Part-Time Instructor Processes

This process applies to all types of part-time instructors, defined as: 1) Adjunct Staff (Regular full-time staff positions who also serve as adjunct: Full-time staff employees hired to teach a course based on enrollment demand position); 2) Other Instructor Categories (Adjunct/Dual Enrollment/Post-Retirement: Hired based on enrollment demand position not on staffing plan). 

  1. The need for part-time instructors in specific disciplines will be advertised on the APSU Human Resources website and when needed and at the request of the department, in discipline-specific journals or websites. Part-time instructors, including adjunct applications, are received in several ways: via PeopleAdmin (or the current HR software), unsolicited CVs through email, and solicited and unsolicited to Department Chairs and Deans. All applicants are requested to submit an application in PeopleAdmin and their application will go into a pool of adjuncts for the department or discipline. As discipline-specific adjunct applications are received, they are sent directly to the Department Chair(s) by Human Resources. The pool will be maintained by Human Resources. The goal of this process is to hire the most qualified applicants and to support the diversity goals of the university.
  2. The department chair or their designee may check the references and unofficial transcripts of applicants referred. The department chair will maintain information pertaining to reference checks, if completed. 
  3. Based on this information, the chair or designee will determine which applicants to interview for the part-time instructor position. 
  4. The chair or designee will develop interview questions to use in all interviews for the position. The interview may be conducted face-to-face, by phone, or by web conference as needed. The department may maintain interview records as appropriate.
  5. The selection of the applicant to hire for the part-time instructor position will be made by the department chair. The chair will complete the “Request to Hire Part-Time Instructor” form, with all required documentation, including the successful applicant’s CV or resume, unofficial transcript of highest degree earned, alternate APSU work schedule (if applicant is APSU employee whose teaching assignment does not occur during the lunch hour), and current contact information. The Chair/designee should forward the Request to Hire Part-Time Instructor form and attachments to the Associate Dean via Adobe Sign.
  6. The Associate Dean will review the qualifications of the selected applicant. The Associate Dean will route the Request to Hire Part-Time Instructor form and attachments through the applicable steps to HR for processing using Adobe Sign. 
    1. If the applicant is deemed qualified per the APSU Faculty Qualifications Matrix, the Associate Dean will sign the “Request to Hire Part-Time Instructor” form, with all required documentation, via Adobe Sign. The Associate Dean will route the “Request to Hire Part-Time Instructor” form, with all required documentation, to Human Resources for processing via Adobe Sign. 
    2. If the applicant requires a Request for Exception to the Faculty Qualifications Matrix, the chair will complete the Request for Exception to Faculty Qualifications form and attach it to the “Request to Hire Part-Time Instructor” form, with all required documentation, via Adobe Sign. This entire package is submitted to the Associate Dean for review via Adobe Sign, who then submits it to the Dean of College and if applicable, Dean of College of Graduate Studies. The Dean will forward the Request for Exception to Faculty Qualifications form and the hiring paperwork to Academic Affairs (Provost’s office) via Adobe Sign. If the Request for Exception to Faculty Qualifications form is approved, Academic Affairs will send the hiring paperwork and the approved Request for Exception form to Human Resources via Adobe Sign. A copy of the exception form is scanned and emailed to the department chair, associate dean and dean via Adobe Sign..  
    3. If the department chair requests an exception to the part-time instructor pay rate, the department chair will provide a justification on the “Request to Hire Part-Time Instructor” form. Part-time instructor pay rate exceptions are based on the applicant and or the assigned course. This entire package is submitted to the Associate Dean via Adobe Sign for review of the faculty qualifications, who then submits it to the Dean. The Dean will forward the “Request to Hire Part-Time Instructor” form and accompanying documents to Academic Affairs (Provost’s office) via Adobe Sign. If the request for exception to the pay rate is approved, Academic Affairs will send the hiring paperwork to Human Resources via Adobe Sign.  
  1. Once the APSU Human Resources office receives the part-time instructor employment documents of the candidate to be employed as a part-time instructor, HR will initiate a background check of the candidate. 
  2. Human Resources will notify the applicant of the official hiring decision, with a copy to the department chair/director and the assistant to the department chair/director. 
  3. Human Resources will work with the candidate to obtain signatures on the contract and process all needed hiring forms and documentation, to include official transcripts. HR will obtain an APSU email account and A number (if not already assigned) for the new part-time instructor.  
  4. The Center for Advancement of Faculty Excellence (CAFE) will invite the new part-time instructor to attend an orientation session to acclimate them to the APSU environment.  These “university-level” orientations will be conducted in Fall, Spring and Summer for new part-time instructors regarding APSU policies, procedures, and resources and an overall welcome to Austin Peay. 
  5. The department chair and faculty are responsible for conducting an orientation to the department with new part-time instructors including but not limited to: departmental policies, departmental expectations including course syllabus, textbooks, and course and program learning outcomes; building safety and OSHA/TOSHA if applicable; information about confidentiality and FERPA (reinforcing the required university training), referral to D2L training and support, and the process used to evaluate part-time instructors in the department.
  6. The departmental orientation for part-time instructors can be conducted in a group or individual setting at the discretion of the department chair and in consideration of the needs and time constraints of the part-time instructors, while ensuring an effective orientation to promote a quality teaching and learning environment for APSU students.

Please visit the Part-Time Instructor Search and Hiring Process link below to review the full process as well as frequently asked questions. 

Adjunct/Part-Time Instructor Request to Hire Form

Adjunct/Part-Time Instructor Evaluation

All part-time instructors must be evaluated at least once per academic year, per APSU Policy 2:033 Part-Time Instructors. Department chairs or their designees should use the form below to evaluate part-time instructors. All evaluations should be submitted for signature via the "PTI Evaluation Form" AdobeSign workflow.