Welcome to Boyd Health Services
Boyd Health Services is a clinic on the campus of Austin Peay State University which serves to ensure the delivery of high quality holistic health care that is accessible, affordable and that emphasizes and promotes healthy lifestyles and behaviors that lead to lifelong wellness for the APSU community.

Austin Peay students who are currently registered or enrolled in classes are eligible for services. Staff and faculty who are currently employed by Austin Peay are also eligible for services. Go to the APSU portal or call our office at (931) 221-7107 to schedule an appointment today!
- The State of Tennessee requires that new full-time, first-time, readmitting and graduate students entering institutions of higher learning provide proof of 2 doses of the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccines or laboratory evidence of immunity to all three of the diseases.
- The State of Tennessee requires documentation of 2 doses of the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, documented proof of having the disease by a healthcare provider, or laboratory evidence of immunity to the disease prior to registration for all new, full time students.
- The State of Tennessee requires that a single dose of the meningococcal vaccine (MCV4/MenACWY/Menactra/Menveo/MenQuadfi) must have been administered within the past 5 years if less than 22 years of age and residing in on-campus housing. (NOT Meningococcal B)

Our clinic hours are five days a week (Monday - Friday) from 7:00 am - 4:30 pm.