2024 Faculty Research Recognition
Recognizing highly-ranked publications for 2024.
Bilderback, S., Luck, P., Blackwell, I.L. and Lobdell, M.D. (2024). The role of snapchat in shaping workplace behavior and productivity, Corporate Communications: An International Journal.
Hsu, Y.-S., Dimitrova, M., Shaffer, M. A., Miller, G. J. (2024). Work role commitment and interference of work with family among Asian and White Americans. American Behavioral Scientist.
Fletcher, J., Noghanibehambari, H. (2024). Dust to Feed, Dust to Grey: The Effect of In-Utero Exposure to the Dust Bowl on Old-Age Longevity. Demography.
Noghanibehambari, H., Fletcher, J., Schmitz, L., Duque, V., Gawai, V. (2024). Early-life economic conditions and old-age male mortality: evidence from historical county-level bank deposit data. Journal of Population Economics.
Noghanibehambari, H. (2024). Intergenerational Benefits of Childhood Health Intervention American Journal of Health Economics.
Fletcher, J., Noghanibehambari, H. (2024). The siren song of cicadas: Early-life pesticide exposure and later-life male mortality. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
Noghanibehambari, H., Fletcher, J. (2024). Unequal Before Death: The Effect of Paternal Education on Children’s Old-Age Mortality. Population Studies.
McGinley, S., Self, T., Dogru, T. (2024). Hospitality Industry Attraction: The Effect of Job Openings and Employee Wages in the United States. Tourism Management.