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Institute for Public Humanities

The Institute for the Public Humanities (IPH) embodies the idea of the university as a center for humanistic inquiry to support the public good. We develop intellectual relationships between Austin Peay State University and the Middle Tennessee community by bringing people together for lectures, conversations, media, classes, events, and other engagement opportunities. By fostering the reciprocal relationship between the university’s scholarly studies and the community’s living history, we promote and provide programming focused on the human landscape of Middle Tennessee. 

IPH 2024 Year-in-Review

Humanscape of Clarksville Podcast

Discover The Humanscape of Clarksville, a monthly podcast from the Institute for the Public Humanities, exploring the impact of the humanities on everyday life. Tune in for engaging discussions and diverse perspectives!

Humanities Defined

The word “humanities” comes from the Latin word “Humanitas,” which means “human nature.” The term was used during the Renaissance to describe subjects related to human culture, history, and intellectual achievements. The humanities encompass a wide range of disciplines within the College of Arts and Letters, focusing on human experience and expression.

Through the critical study of literature, art, history, and human values, we gain deeper insights into our cultural and intellectual heritage and explore the essence of what it means to be human. 

Humanscape of Clarksville Podcast

Board Members

Kathy Heuston
Professor Kathy Lee Heuston | Coordinator
Department of Communication
Robert Baron
Dr. Robert Baron
Department of Communication
Emily Crane
Dr. Emily Crane
Department of Music
Linda Crenshaw
Dr. Linda Crenshaw
Department of Languages & Literature
Angie Hernandez-Scoggins
Professor Angie Hernandez-Scoggins
Department of Art + Design
Cate LiaBraaten
Dr. Cate LiaBraaten
Department of History & Philosophy
Xu Zhang
Dr. Xu (James) Zhang
Department of Communication


Mission Statement

The goals of the IPH are as follows:

Board Members