Computer Science News Archive
We generate a lot of news here at the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology. This page keeps track of archiving our events and achievements, dating back to Fall 2013.
Academic Year 2024-2025
Academic Year 2023-2024
Academic Year 2022-2023
Academic Year 2021-2022
Academic Year 2020-2021
Academic Year 2019-2020
Academic Year 2018-2019
Academic Year 2017-2018
Academic Year 2016-2017
Academic Year 2015-2016
Academic Year 2014-2015
Academic Year 2013-2014
- Coming Soon...
- Congratulations - Coming Soon...
Fall 2024 APSU Junior Coder Classes - 67 Students
- 2024-09 September Class 1 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Registration Closed!
- 15 students
- $69
- Registration Deadline: 8/26
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For grades 3-5
- Dates: 8/31, 9/7, 9/14, 9/21 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2024-09 September Class 2 - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders
to 5th graders
- Registration Closed!
- 4 students
- $69
- Registration Deadline: 8/26
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For grades 3-5
- Dates: 8/31, 9/7, 9/14, 9/21 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2024-09 September Class 3 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 12th graders
- Registration Closed!
- 4 students
- $69
- Registration Deadline: 8/26
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For grades 6-12 & 1st year college students
- Dates: 8/31, 9/7, 9/14, 9/21 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2024-10 October Class 4 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Registration Closed!
- 3 students
- $69
- Registration Deadline: 9/23
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For grades 3-5
- Dates: 9/28, 10/5, 10/19, 10/26 (Saturdays) - note: NO class on 10/12
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2024-10 October Class 5 - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders
to 5th graders
- Registration Closed!
- 2 students
- $69
- Registration Deadline: 9/23
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For grades 3-5
- Dates: 9/28, 10/5, 10/19, 10/26 (Saturdays) - note: NO class on 10/12
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2024-10 October Class 6 - Code Your Own MINECRAFT Games - For 6th graders to 12th
- Registration Closed!
- 7 students
- $79, note price difference due to Minecraft account charges
- Registration Deadline: 9/23
- Learn to code your own games using MINECRAFT.
- For grades 6-12 & 1st year college students
- Dates: 9/28, 10/5, 10/19, 10/26 (Saturdays) - note: NO class on 10/12
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2024-11 November Class 7 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Registration Closed!
- 13 students
- $69
- Registration Deadline: 10/28
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For grades 3-5.
- Dates: 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2024-11 November Class 8 - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders
to 5th graders
- Registration Closed!
- 6 students
- $69
- Registration Deadline: 10/28
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For grades 3-5.
- Dates: 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2024-11 November Class 9 - 3D Video Game Development (Godot Engine, GDscript) - For
6th graders to 12th graders
- Registration Closed!
- 13 students
- Registration Deadline: 10/28
- Learn to make your own 3D Games using Godot Game Engine and GDscript.
- For grades 6-12 & 1st year college students
- Dates: 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- Nov 3-5 Last weekend, students from the Cybersecurity Club attended the PhreakNIC 24 conference alongside one of our professors, Dr. James Church. The event included professional talks, a chance to network and meet others in the industry, and a Capture The Flag (CTF) competition.
- The Austin Peay G.H.O.S.T. Event was attended by the Cybersecurity Club this past Sunday. Students from the club helped children to earn candy by completing cybersecurity themed challenges. Thank you to our cybersecurity club for their participation and involvement with the community!
- October 30- The Austin Peay Cybersecurity club recently held a meeting featuring a guest speaker, Andrew Craig, who gave a talk on "Understanding the Attack.".
- October 14- Today, members our department met with prospective students during the Austin Peay "Govs Preview Day!" Students were able to learn about our 3 Bachelor of Science degrees as well as the possibilities they can pursue after graduating. T-shirts were also given to those interested in computer science.
- September 27- Our Dr. John Nicholson ‘Bridges’ the gap between math and art at the 2023 International Bridges Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia! "Bridges is unique
- Sept 16- Last Wednesday, members of our department took part in the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System College Career Fair alongside other departments from the College of STEM.
- September 2- It's roadshow time! Last week the CSIT Roadshow Team joined a departmental outreach event in the MUC plaza geared towards helping new students explore their academic interests.
- August, the College of STEM was featured in a news article about the new robot dog acquired by the department.
- Congratulations - Dr. Saeed Samadi-Dana of the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology was recently awarded the CoSTEM Innovative Teaching Mini-grant alongside Dr. Anuradha Pathiranage.
- Congratulations: Aug 14- Festivities are in order! Congratulations to our Dr. Jiang Li for 20 years of service at APSU
- Congratulations to our Dr. Joseph Elarde for 10 years of service at APSU!
- Congratulations to our Dr. Alice Lin for achieving tenure!
Summer 2024 APSU Coding Camps - 213 Students, 11 Camps
3-5 / 6-12 : Summer 2023: $139 or $149
- 2024 Camp A - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders - Anyone
can join!
- Registration Closed! - 22 students
- Registration Deadline: 5/20
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Fall 2024)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 5/28 to 5/31, 4 days, $139
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- Registration Closed! - 22 students
- 2024 Camp B - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 12th graders - Anyone
can join!
- Registration Closed! - 23 Students
- Registration Deadline: 5/20
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Fall 2024)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 5/28 to 5/31, 4 days, $139
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- Registration Closed! - 23 Students
- 2024 Camp C - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 12th graders - Anyone
can join!
- Registration Closed! - 21 Students
- Registration Deadline: 5/27
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Fall 2024)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/3 to 6/7, 5 days, $149
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- Registration Closed! - 21 Students
- 2024 Camp D - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Anyone can join!
- Registration Closed! - 5 Students
- Registration Deadline: 5/27
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Fall 2024)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/3 to 6/7, 5 days, $149
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- Registration Closed! - 5 Students
- 2024 Camp E - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Anyone can join!
- Registration Closed! - 14 Students
- Registration Deadline: 6/3
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Fall 2024)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/10 to 6/14, 5 days, $149
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- Registration Closed! - 14 Students
- 2024 Camp F - Learn Programming with Minecraft - For 6th graders to 12th graders -
Anyone can join!
- Registration Closed! - 23 Students
- Registration Deadline: 6/3
- Learn basic programming skills within the world of Minecraft.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Fall 2024)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: Dates: 6/10 to 6/14, 5 days, $159, note price difference due to Minecraft account charges
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 2024 Camp G - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders - Anyone
can join!
- Registration Closed! - 20 Students
- Registration Deadline: 6/10
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Fall 2024)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/17, 6/18, 6/20, 6/21 (closed for Juneteenth), 4 days, $139
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- Registration Closed! - 20 Students
- 2024 Camp H - 3D Video Game Development with Godot - For 6th graders to 12th graders
- Anyone can join!
- Registration Closed! - 35 Students
- Registration Deadline: 6/10
- Learn to make your own 3D video games using Godot.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Fall 2024)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/17, 6/18, 6/20, 6/21 (closed for Juneteenth), 4 days, $139
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- Registration Closed! - 35 Students
- 2024 Camp I - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 12th graders - Girls
- Registration Closed! - 14 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/17
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Fall 2024)
- Girls preferred!
- Dates: 6/24 to 6/28, 5 days, $149
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- Registration Closed! - 14 students
- 2024 Camp J - Make Your Own Websites - For 6th graders to 12th graders - Anyone can
- Registration Closed! - 16 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/17
- Learn to make your own websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Fall 2024)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/24 to 6/28, 5 days, $149
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- Registration Closed! - 16 students
- 2024 Camp K - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders - Anyone
can join!
- Registration Closed! - 20 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/17
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Fall 2024)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/24 to 6/28, 5 days, $149
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- Registration Closed! - 20 students
Spring 2024 APSU Junior Coder Classes - 111 Students
- 2024-09 February Class 1 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- 31 students
- Registration Deadline: 1/29
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 31 students
- 2024-02 February Class 2 - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders
to 5th graders
- 2 students
- Registration Deadline: 1/29
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2 students
- 2024-02 February Class 3 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 12th graders
- 5 students
- Registration Deadline: 1/29
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students
- Dates: 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 5 students
- 2024-03 March Class 4 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- 7 students
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 3/2, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2024-03 March Class 5 - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders
to 5th graders
- 11 student
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 3/2, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2024-03 March Class 6 - Code Your Own MINECRAFT Games - For 6th graders to 12th graders
- 9 students
- $79, note price difference due to Minecraft account charges
- Registration Deadline: 9/25
- Learn to code your own games using MINECRAFT.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students
- Dates: 3/2, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 9 students
- 2024-04 April Class 7 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- 22 students
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2024-04 April Class 8 - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders
to 5th graders
- 6 students
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2024-04 April Class 9 - 3D Video Game Development (Godot Engine, GDscript) - For 6th
graders to 12th graders
- 18 students
- Learn to make your own 3D Games using Godot Game Engine and GDscript.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students
- Dates: 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
Fall 2023 APSU Junior Coder Classes - 89 Students
- 2023-09 September Class 1 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- 13 students
- Registration Deadline: 8/28
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 9/2, 9/9, 9/16, 9/23 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 13 students
- 2023-09 September Class 2 - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders
to 5th graders
- 5 students
- Registration Deadline: 8/28
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 9/2, 9/9, 9/16, 9/23 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 5 students
- 2023-09 September Class 3 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 12th graders
- 6 students
- Registration Deadline: 8/28
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students
- Dates: 9/2, 9/9, 9/16, 9/23 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 6 students
- 2023-10 October Class 4 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- 14 students
- Registration Deadline: 9/25
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 14 students
- 2023-10 October Class 5 - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders
to 5th graders
- 1 student
- Registration Deadline: 9/25
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 1 student
- 2023-10 October Class 6 - Code Your Own MINECRAFT Games - For 6th graders to 12th
- 15 students
- $79, note price difference due to Minecraft account charges
- Registration Deadline: 9/25
- Learn to code your own games using MINECRAFT.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students
- Dates: 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 15 students
- 2023-11 November Class 7 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Registration Closed - 19 students
- Registration Deadline: 10/23
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 10/28, 11/4, 11/11, 11/18 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2023-11 November Class 8 - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders
to 5th graders
- 5 students
- Registration Deadline: 10/23
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 10/28, 11/4, 11/11, 11/18 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2023-11 November Class 9 - 3D Video Game Development (Godot Engine, GDscript) - For
6th graders to 12th graders
- 11 students
- Registration Deadline: 10/23
- Learn to make your own 3D Games using Godot Game Engine and GDscript.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students
- Dates: 10/28, 11/4, 11/11, 11/18 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
Academic Year 2022-2023
- July 31- Our Dr. John Nicholson gave a talk "(Circle + Square)/Triangle: Using Shape-Based Expressions for Image Creation and Exploration" at the Bridges 2023 Conference on Art and Mathematics in Halifax, Canada.
- Our Dr. Samadi-Dana presented his peer-reviewed research paper at the IEEE - 2023 11th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (IEEE ICIET 2023), Fujisawa (Kanagawa), Japan, March 18-20, 2023.
- His published paper title: "Teachers’ Perceptions of Videoconferencing and Smartphones in a Retrospective Analysis 2009-2020: An Educational Social Internet of Things Framework".
- Dr. Hasan presented his his peer-reviewed poster paper titled- "Teaching Database Security in an Undergraduate Database Administration Course Serving Computer Science, Information Technology and Cybersecurity Students" on behalf of the other co-authors- Dr. Elarde and Mr. Bruster at the ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium 2023 ( in Toronto, Canada on March 18, 2023.
- On Friday February 17th , APSU Department of Computer Science and Information Technology played host to 40 students from Northeast's Computer Information Technology Academy. Students toured the campus and learned about #APSUComputerScience and the College of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics.
- April 8th 2023 Goldwater Scholar! We want to congratulate our student, Yuriy Holovchak, who is double majoring in Engineering Physics and Computer Science, minor in Math, for being awarded the prestigious 2023 Goldwater scholarship.
- Feb 27th- This past Saturday, 2/25/2023, three Austin Peay Computer Science and Information Technology students placed second at the International Collegiate Programming Competition held at the University of Tennessee at Martin.
- Congratulations Dr. Coleman for 10 years of service at APSU!!
- Please join us in congratulating Dr. Yu for having 15 years of service at Austin Peay State University!!
- Please join us in congratulating Dr. Alice Lin for achieving a promotion to associate professor, computer science and IT!!
- Congratulations to the following APSU faculty members for achieving the Socrates Award for Excellence in Teaching: Dr. Jessica Fripp, associate professor of psychological science and counseling and associate dean for the College of Behavioral and Health Sciences; Dr. Florian Gargaillo, associate professor of English; and Dr. Catherine Hasse, assistant professor of biology.
- Please join us in congratulating Dr. Church for achieving tenure!
- Each year, the Distinguished Community Service Award recognizes a full-time faculty member whose service has enhanced or will enhance the quality of life in the Clarksville-Montgomery County area. Dr. Leong Lee, chair of the Department of Computer Science, received this year’s honor.
Summer 2023 APSU Coding Camps - 201 Students, 14 Camps
3-5 / 6-8 / 9-12 : Summer 2023: $99 or $109
- 2023 Camp A - Learn Programming with Minecraft - For 6th graders to 8th graders -
Anyone can join!
- 12 students
- Registration Deadline: 5/22
- Learn basic programming skills within the world of Minecraft.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2023)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 5/30 to 6/2, 4 days, $99
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 2023 Camp B - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 8th graders - Anyone
can join!
- 11 students
- Registration Deadline: 5/22
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2023)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 5/30 to 6/2, 4 days, $99
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 2023 Camp C - Learn Programming with Minecraft - For 6th graders to 8th graders -
Anyone can join!
- 15 students
- Registration Deadline: 5/29
- Learn basic programming skills within the world of Minecraft.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2023)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/5 to 6/9, $109
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 15 students
- 2023 Camp D - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 8th graders - Anyone
can join!
- 24 students
- Registration Deadline: 5/29
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2023)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/5 to 6/9, $109
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 24 students
- 2023 Camp E - Make Your Own Websites - For 6th graders to 8th graders - Anyone can
- 12 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/5
- Learn to make your own websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2023)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/12 to 6/16, $109
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 2023 Camp F - Learn Programming with Minecraft - For 6th graders to 8th graders -
Girls preferred!
- 4 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/5
- Learn basic programming skills within the world of Minecraft.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2023)
- Girls preferred!
- Dates: Dates: 6/12 to 6/16, $109
- imes: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 2023 Camp G - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 9th graders to 12th graders - Anyone
can join!
- 8 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/12
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 9th graders to 12th graders, and 1st year college students (as of Fall 2023)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/20 to 6/23, 4 days, $99
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 8 students
- 2023 Camp H - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Anyone can join!
- Class Full - 24 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/12
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Fall 2023)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/20 to 6/23, 4 days, $99
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- Class Full - 24 students
- 2023 Camp I - 3D Video Game Development - For 9th graders to 12th graders - Anyone
can join!
- 8 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/12
- Learn to make your own 3D video games.
- For 9th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Fall 2023)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/20 to 6/23, 4 days, $99
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 8 students
- 2023 Camp J - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders - Anyone
can join!
- Class Full - 24 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/12
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Fall 2023)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/20 to 6/23, 4 days, $99
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- Class Full - 24 students
- 2023 Camp K - Make Your Own Websites - For 9th graders to 12th graders - Anyone can
- 5 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/19
- Learn to make your own websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- For 9th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Fall 2023)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/26 to 6/30, $109
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 2023 Camp L - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders - Anyone
can join!
- Class Full - 24 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/19
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Fall 2023)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/26 to 6/30, $109
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 2023 Camp M - 3D Video Game Development - For 9th graders to 12th graders - Anyone
can join!
- 7 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/19
- Learn to make your own 3D video games.
- For 9th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Fall 2023)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/26 to 6/30, $109
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 2023 Camp N - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Anyone can join!
- 23 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/19
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Fall 2023)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/26 to 6/30, $109
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
Spring 2023 APSU Junior Coder Classes - 87 Students
$59, 4 coding classes, 4 Saturdays
- 2023 February Class 1 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- 18 students
- Registration Deadline: 1/30
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 18 students
- 2023 February Class 2 - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders
to 5th graders
- 10 students
- Registration Deadline: 1/30
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 10 students
- 2023 February Class 3 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 12th graders
- 9 students
- Registration Deadline: 1/30
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students
- Dates: 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 9 students
- 2023 March Class 4 - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders to
5th graders
- 6 students
- Registration Deadline: 2/27
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 3/4, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 6 students
- 2023 March Class 5 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- 12 students
- Registration Deadline: 2/27
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 3/4, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 12 students
- 2023 March Class 6 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 12th graders
- 13 students
- Registration Deadline: 2/27
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students
- Dates: 3/4, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 13 students
- 2023 April Class 7 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- 8 students
- Registration Deadline: 4/3
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2023 April Class 8 - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders to
5th graders
- 8 students
- Registration Deadline: 4/3
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- Dates: 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2023 April Class 9 - Make Your Own Websites - For 6th graders to 12th graders
- 3 students
- Registration Deadline: 4/3
- Learn to make your own websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- For 6th graders to 12th graders
- Dates: 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
Fall 2022 APSU Junior Coder Classes - 165 Students
GOOGLE sponsored discount / promotion codes: 90% OFF or 60% OFF
$59, first 18 students = 90% OFF, next 18 students = 60% OFF (Funded by Google)
- 2022 September Class 1 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
- 39 students
- Registration Deadline: 9/5
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Fall 2022)
- Dates: 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/1 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 39 students
- 2022 September Class 2 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 8th graders
- 17 students
- Registration Deadline: 9/5
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2022)
- Dates: 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/1 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 17 students
- 2022 September Class 3 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 9th graders to 12th graders
- 3 students
- Registration Deadline: 9/5
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 9th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Fall 2022)
- Dates: 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/1 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 3 students
- 2022 October Class 4 - TypingClub & NitroType & Create ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders
to 5th graders
- 39 students
- Registration Deadline: 10/3
- Learn how to type with TypingClub & NitroType
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Fall 2022)
- Dates: 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 39 students
- 2022 October Class 5 - TypingClub & NitroType & Create ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders
to 8th graders
- 13 students
- Registration Deadline: 10/3
- Learn how to type with TypingClub & NitroType
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2022)
- Dates: 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 13 students
- 2022 October Class 6 - Make Your Own Websites - For 9th graders to 12th graders
- 4 students
- Registration Deadline: 10/3
- Learn to make your own websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- For 9th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Fall 2022)
- Dates: 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 4 students
- 2022 November Class 7 - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders
to 5th graders
- Registration Closed - 36 students
- Registration Deadline: 10/31
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Fall 2022)
- Dates: 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 12/3 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2022 November Class 8 - Make Your Own Websites - For 6th graders to 8th graders
- 12 students
- Registration Deadline: 10/31
- Learn to make your own websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2022)
- Dates: 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 12/3 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2022 November Class 9 - Make Your Own Websites - For 9th graders to 12th graders
- 2 students
- Registration Deadline: 10/31
- Learn to make your own websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- For 9th graders to 12th graders (as of Fall 2022)
- Dates: 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 12/3 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
Academic Year 2021-2022
- Event: Dr. Nicholas Coleman. Science on the Tap, "Cryptography and You". 2nd Nov 2021
- Event: Dr. James Church - Vice Chair, Dr. Samadi-Dana - Review Research Papers, Session Chair, Student Paper judge, Dr. Hasan - Review Research Papers, Session Chair. ACM Mid-Southeast Conference, at Glenstone Lodge, Gatlinburg, TN, Nov 11 - 13, 2021.
Membership: Dr. Saeed Samadi-Dana. Elevated to Senior Member of IEEE. 2021.
- Promotion: Dr. Nicholas Coleman. Promoted to Associate Dean of Curriculum and Assessment for CoSTEM. 2021
Summer 2022 APSU Coding Camps - 260 Students
$99, first 18 students = 90% OFF, next 18 students = 60% OFF (Funded by Google)
- 2022 Camp A - Learn Programming with Minecraft - For 6th graders to 8th graders -
Anyone can join!
- 32 students
- Registration Deadline: 5/24
- Learn basic programming skills within the world of Minecraft.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2022)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 5/31 to 6/3/2022, 4 days, $89
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 32 students
- 2022 Camp B - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 8th graders - Anyone
can join!
- 19 students
- Registration Deadline: 5/24
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2022)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 5/31 to 6/3/2022, 4 days, $89
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 19 students
- 2022 Camp C - Learn Programming with Minecraft - For 6th graders to 8th graders -
Anyone can join!
- 34 students
- Registration Deadline: 5/31
- Learn basic programming skills within the world of Minecraft.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2022)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/6 to 6/10/2022
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 34 students
- 2022 Camp D - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 8th graders - Anyone
can join!
- 33 students
- Registration Deadline: 5/31
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2022)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/6 to 6/10/2022
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 33 students
- 2022 Camp E - Make Your Own Websites - For 6th graders to 8th graders - Anyone can
- 31 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/7
- Learn to make your own websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2022)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/13 to 6/17/2022
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 2022 Camp F - Learn Programming with Minecraft - For 6th graders to 8th graders -
Girls preferred!
- 25 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/7
- Learn basic programming skills within the world of Minecraft.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Fall 2022)
- Girls preferred!
- Dates: 6/13 to 6/17/2022
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 2022 Camp G - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 9th graders to 12th graders - Anyone
can join!
- 16 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/14
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX
- For 9th graders to 12th graders, and 1st year college students (as of Fall 2022)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/20 to 6/24/2022
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 16 students
- 2022 Camp H - Make Your Own Video Games (Unity C#) - For 9th graders to 12th graders
- Anyone can join!
- 24 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/14
- Learn to make your own video games using Unity and C#.
- For 9th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Fall 2022)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/20 to 6/24/2022
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 24 students
- 2022 Camp I - Make Your Own Websites - For 9th graders to 12th graders - Anyone can
- 27 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/21
- Learn to make your own websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- For 9th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Fall 2022)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/27 to 7/1/2022
- Times: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
- 2022 Camp J - Make Your Own Video Games (Unity C#) - For 9th graders to 12th graders
- Anyone can join!
- 19 students
- Registration Deadline: 6/21
- Learn to make your own video games using Unity and C#.
- For 9th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Fall 2022)
- Anyone can join!
- Dates: 6/27 to 7/1/2022
- Times: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Snacks will be provided.
- All campers will get a t-shirt.
APSU Junior Coder Classes - Spring 2022, 173 Students
$59, first 18 students = 90% OFF, next 18 students = 60% OFF (Funded by Google)
- 2022 February Class 1 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders
– 36 students
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Spring 2022)
- Dates: 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2022 February Class 2 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 8th graders
– 22 students
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Spring 2022)
- Dates: 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2022 February Class 3 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 9th graders to 12th graders
– 5 students
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 9th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Spring 2022)
- Dates: 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2022 March Class 4 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 3rd graders to 5th graders –
36 students
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Spring 2022)
- Dates: 3/5, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2022 March Class 5 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 6th graders to 8th graders –
13 students
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Spring 2022)
- Dates: 3/5, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2022 March Class 6 - Code Your Own ROBLOX Games - For 9th graders to 12th graders
– 1 students
- Learn to code your own games using ROBLOX.
- For 9th graders to 12th graders & 1st year college students (as of Spring 2022)
- Dates: 3/5, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2022 April Class 7 - Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games - For 3rd graders to
5th graders – 36 students
- Learn to code your own programs and games using Scratch.
- For 3rd graders to 5th graders (as of Spring 2022)
- Dates: 4/9, 4/16, 4/23, 4/30 (Saturdays)
- Times: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2022 April Class 8 - Make Your Own Websites - For 6th graders to 8th graders – 16
- Learn to make your own websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- For 6th graders to 8th graders (as of Spring 2022)
- Dates: 4/9, 4/16, 4/23, 4/30 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Drinks will be provided.
- 2022 April Class 9 - Make Your Own Websites - For 9th graders to 12th graders – 7
- Learn to make your own websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- For 9th graders to 12th graders (as of Spring 2022)
- Dates: 4/9, 4/16, 4/23, 4/30 (Saturdays)
- Times: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
APSU Junior Coder Classes - Fall 2021, 129 Students
$59, first 18 students = 90% OFF, next 18 students = 60% OFF (Funded by Google)
- 2021 September Class (3rd-5th Grade): Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games (Class 1) - 30 students
- $59
- Open to 3-5 grade students
- 2021, Sept 4, 11, 18, 25 :: 1:00pm-2:30pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Parents are encouraged to sit in classes
- 2021 September Class (6th-8th Grade): Make Your Own Websites (Class 2) - 20 students
- $59
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2021, Sept 4, 11, 18, 25 :: 3:00pm-4:30pm :: 4 Saturdays
- 2021 October Class (3rd-5th Grade): Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games (Class 3) - 21 students
- $59
- Open to 3-5 grade students
- 2021, October 2, 9, 16, 23 :: 1:00pm-2:30pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Parents are encouraged to sit in classes
- 2021 October Class (6th-8th Grade): Make Your Own Websites (Class 4) - 18 students
- $59
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2021, October 2, 9, 16, 23 :: 1:00pm-2:30pm :: 4 Saturdays
- 2021 November Class (3rd-5th Grade): Code Your Own Scratch Programs and Games (Class 5) - 26 students
- $59
- Open to 3-5 grade students
- 2021, November 6, 13, 20, December 4 :: 1:00pm-2:30pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Parents are encouraged to sit in classes
- 2021 November Class (6th-8th Grade): Make Your Own Websites (Class 6) - 14 students
- $59
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2021, November 6, 13, 20, December 4 :: 3:00pm-4:30pm :: 4 Saturdays
Academic Year 2020-2021
Presentation: Dr. John A. Nicholson. “Epicycloid Variation.” Joint Mathematical Meetings 2021, Virtual Exhibition, January 6-9, 2021.
Peer-reviewed research paper: Dr. Saeed Samadi-Dana. “Exploring the Effect of Noisy Environment on Distributed Problem Solving.” IEEE CCWC 2021 Conference, Virtual Conference, January 27-30, 2021.
Peer-reviewed research paper: Dr. Mir A. Hasan. “Accelerating Message Passing Operation of GDL-Based Constraint Optimization Algorithms Using Multiprocessing.” IEEE ISPA 2021. New York, New York. September 30-October 3, 2021.
Grant: Dr. Saeed Samadi-Dana, Mr. Michael Wilson, and Ms. Ellen Brown. TBR OER grant – “Peay Code: Gaming the Gateway to Enhance Computer Science Programming Skills.” Grant amount - $28,000. 2021.
Grant: Ms. Madeline Giefer, Dr. Saeed Samadi-Dana, and Mr. Michael Wilson. Microsoft AI for Earth Grant – “Automated Habitat Analysis for Cost-Effective Wildlife Monitoring.” Grant amount - $15,000. 2021.
Grant: Mr. Michael Wilson, Dr. Saeed Samadi-Dana, and Ramanjit Sahi. Google Data Center Grant – “APSU Makerspace Program (AMP).” Grant amount - $10,000. 2021.
Grant: Dr. James Church and Dr. Leong Lee. GOOGLE Data Center Grant – “APSU Coding Camps” and “APSU Junior Coding Classes.” Grant amount - $40,000. 2021.
Summer 2021 APSU Coding Camps - 221 Students
$99, first 18 students = 90% OFF, next 18 students = 60% OFF (Funded by Google)
- 2021 May - AM Camp (6th-8th Grade): Make Your Own Website (Camp A) – 18 students
- $99
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2021, May 31, June 1, 2, 3, 4 :: 9:00am-12:00pm :: 1 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
- 2021 May - PM Camp (6th-8th Grade): Make Your Own Video Games (Camp B) – 31 students
- $99
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2021, May 31, June 1, 2, 3, 4 :: 1:30pm-4:30pm :: 1 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
- 2021 June - AM Camp (6th-8th Grade): Make Your Own Website (Camp C) – 10 students
- $99
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2021, June 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 :: 9:00am-12:00pm :: 1 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
- 2021 June - PM Camp (6th-8th Grade): Make Your Own Video Games (Camp D) – 32 students
- $99
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2021, June 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 :: 1:30pm-4:30pm :: 1 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
- 2021 June - AM Camp (6th-8th Grade): Make Your Own Website (Camp E) – 23 students
- $99
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2021, June 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 :: 9:00am-12:00pm :: 1 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
- 2021 June - PM Camp (6th-8th Grade): Learn Programming with Minecraft (Camp F) – 35 students
- $99
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2021, June 14, 15, 16, 17, 18:: 1:30pm-4:30pm :: 1 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
- 2021 June - AM Camp (9th-12th Grade): Make Your Own Website (Camp G) – 24 students
- $99
- Open to 9-12 grade high school students
- 2021, June 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 :: 9:00am-12:00pm :: 1 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
- 2021 June - PM Camp (9th-12th Grade): Make Your Own Video Games (Camp H) – 33 students
- $99
- Open to 9-12 grade high school students
- 2021, June 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 :: 1:30pm-4:30pm :: 1 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
- 2021 June - AM Camp (9th-12th Grade): Learn Programming with Minecraft – Girls Coding Camp (Camp I) – 9 students
- $99
- Open to 9-12 grade high school students – Girls preferred
- 2021, June 28, 29, 30, July 1, 2 :: 9:00am-12:00pm :: 1 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
- 2021 June - PM Camp (9th-12th Grade): Make Your Own Video Games (Camp J) – Girls Coding Camp – 6 students
- $99
- Open to 9-12 grade high school students – Girls preferred
- 2021, June 28, 29, 30, July 1, 2 :: 1:30pm-4:30pm:: 1 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
Academic Year 2019-2020
- Presentation: Dr. John A. Nicholson. "Curve Stitching Variations in 2D and 3D." Joint Mathematics Meetings 2020, Denver Colorado, January 15-18, 2020.
- Peer-reviewed research paper: Dr. Alice Lin, Dr. Frank Cheng, Dr. Charles Chen. "Use of Virtual Reality Games in People with Depression and Anxiety." 2020 5th International Conference on Multimedia and Image Processing. Nanjing, China, January 10-12, 2020.
- Presentation: Dr. Saeed Samadi-Dana, Mr. William Trentham. "Healthcare Internet of Things Solutions Architecture." 2019 ACM Mid-Southeast Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, November 14–15, 2019.
- Presentation: Dr. Saeed Samadi-Dana, Mr. Hayden Richard. "Applying Machine Learning to Develop an Adaptive Robotic System for Patients with Amputations." 2019 ACM Mid-Southeast Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, November 14–15, 2019.
- Peer-reviewed research paper: Dr. Joe Elarde, Prof. Barry Bruster. "Implementing High Performance Search Using SIMD for Cybersecurity Applications." 2019 ACM Mid-Southeast Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, November 14–15, 2019.
- Presentation: Dr. Mir Hasan. "A Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for Ph.D. Supervisor Selection: A Hybrid Approach." 2019 ACM Mid-Southeast Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, November 14–15, 2019.
- Presentation: Dr. Saeed Samadi-Dana. "The Effects of Information Stagnancy on Distributed Problem Solving." 2019 ACM Mid-Southeast Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, November 14–15, 2019.
- Peer-reviewed research paper: Dr. Mir Hasan, Mr. William Tanner, Ms. Esra Akbas. "Research Paper Recommendation Based on Citation Relation." 6th National Symposium for NSF REU Research in Data Science, Systems, and Security at IEEE BigData 2019. Los Angeles, CA, USA, December 9–12, 2019.
- Peer-reviewed research paper: Dr. James church, Ms. Tabitha S.Y. Lee, Dr. Bettina Shank, Prof. Kristen Butler. "PeayNotes: Content Management System-based Software for Managing Academic Electronic Health Records (AEHRs)." IEEE IEMCON 2019 Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, October 17–19, 2019.
- Peer-reviewed research paper: Dr. Leong Lee, Mr. Mark Lees, Dr. Gregory S. Ridenour. "Multi-Interval Data Mining of At-A-Station Hydraulic Geometry to Quantify Temporal Stability." IEEE IEMCON 2019 Conference. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, October 17–19, 2019.
- Peer-reviewed research paper: Dr. Benita Bruster, Mr. Barry Bruster, Dr. Adam Attwood. "Classroom Management Instruction Using Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence." Albuquerque Fall Professional Development Conference 2019. National Social Science Association, Albauquerque, New Mexico, USA, October 13-15, 2019.
- Career Opportunities in Cybersecurity: November 5, 2019, 5:30pm, MMCS 129. Sergeant Major (R) Tim Hutto, from the office of the Chief of Cyber (Fort Gordon) was on campus to discuss career opportunities in Cybersecurity.
- International Collegiate Programming Competition: The International Collegiate Programming Contest is a real-time online competition that takes place over five hours at colleges across the country. The Mid-Central contest includes colleges from Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. Two Austin Peay State University teams competed in the regional speed-programming competition, and one team finished first place at its site and 24th overall.
- VandyHacks VI Art Edition: From November 1-3, hundreds of talented and creative students from across the nation came together to learn, collaborate, and create exciting projects with the ambition to create a masterpiece.
- ACM Programming Competition: October 19, 2019, 12:00pm-5:00pm, MMCS 133. The ACM programming competition took place. This year we did something different. We had two independent competitions: one for freshman and sophomores and one for juniors and seniors. We are tried to get everyone, regardless of programming skill level, to participate and have fun.
- Phishing Presentation: Stephanie Taylor, the Director of IT Security at APSU, gave an amazing presentation where she explained the dangers of phishing attacks. Nowadays, phishing is becoming so popular because it is easy to implement and works. For this reason, users need to be careful when they receive an email.
- Ranked-Up E-Sports (RUE) Recruitment: September 25th, 2019, 5:00pm, Ranked-Up Esports (RUE) hosted their first annual team recruitment event in the Austin Peay Technology Building lobby. Various games were played to assess potential members' skill levels and where within the team would be the best fit for them. Games that were available to try out for include Hearthstone, Apex Legends and League of Legends.
- ACM Mid-Southeast Conference: November 14-15, 2019, The ACM Mid-Southeast Fall 2019 Conference was held Nov 14-15, in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Austin Peay played a significant role at this computer science conference by being one of the universities with the largest number of participants (research papers and presentations). The ACM Mid-Southeast Chapter is dedicated to the furthering of Computer Science in the geographical region encompassing Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
- CoSTEM Award Ceremony: April 25, 2019. Several outstanding students were recognized for the achievements in computer science.
- ACM Semi-Annual Smash Tournament: November 22, 2019, 5:00pm-12:00am. The ACM Annual Smash Tournament was held on November 22nd from 5PM - 12AM in MMCS 244. For those not participating in the tournament, there were board games and other free play events.
- Northeast High School’s Computer Information Technology Academy (CITA) Visit: February 19, 2020, 11:30am-12:30pm. Twenty-five students from Northeast High School’s Computer Information Technology Academy (CITA) recently visited with Austin Peay State University students and professors to learn more about how robotics is integrated in various fields.
APSU Junior Coder Classes - Fall 2019 - 49 Students (Self-Funded)
- 2019 September Class (K-2nd Grade): Tynker Coding for Kids – 4 students
- $59
- Open to K-2 grade students
- 2019, Sept, 7, 14, 21, 28 :: 1pm-2pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Sept 4, 2019
- Parents are encouraged to sit in classes
- 2019 September Class (3rd-5th Grade): Tynker Coding for Children – 6 students
- $59
- Open to 3-5 grade students
- 2019, Sept, 7, 14, 21, 28 :: 2:15pm-3:15pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Sept 4, 2019
- 2019 September Class (6th-8th Grade): Construct 2 Coding for Middle Schoolers – 7 students
- $59
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2019, Sept, 7, 14, 21, 28 :: 3:30pm-4:30pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Sept 4, 2019
- 2019 October Class (K-2nd Grade): Tynker Coding for Kids – 3 students
- $59
- Open to K-2 grade students
- 2019, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 :: 1pm-2pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Sept 28, 2019
- Parents are encouraged to sit in classes
- 2019 October Class (3rd-5th Grade): Tynker Coding for Children – 5 students
- $59
- Open to 3-5 grade students
- 2019, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 :: 2:15pm-3:15pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Sept 28, 2019
- 2019 October Class (6th-8th Grade): Construct 2 Coding for Middle Schoolers – 6 students
- $59
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2019, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 :: 3:30pm-4:30pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Sept 28, 2019
- 2019 November Class (K-2nd Grade): Tynker Coding for Kids – 2 students
- $59
- Open to K-2 grade students
- 2019, November 2, 9, 16, 23 :: 1pm-2pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Oct 26, 2019
- Parents are encouraged to sit in classes
- 2019 November Class (3rd-5th Grade): Tynker Coding for Children – 9 students
- $59
- Open to 3-5 grade students
- 2019, November 2, 9, 16, 23 :: 2:15pm-3:15pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Oct 26, 2019
- 2019 November Class (6th-8th Grade): Construct 2 Coding for Middle Schoolers – 4 students
- $59
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2019, November 2, 9, 16, 23 :: 3:30pm-4:30pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Oct 26, 2019
- 2019 October / November Class (9th-12th Grade): Computer Science A - Java Prep Class – 3 students
- $89
- Open to 9-12 grade high school students
- 2019, October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; November 7, 14, 21 :: 5:30pm-7:05pm :: 8 Thursdays
- Application deadline: Sept 28, 2019
Academic Year 2018-2019
- Refereed research paper and related art piece: Dr. John Nicholson. “Curve Stitching Density Plots.” 2019 Bridges Linz Conference. Johannes Kepler University & Ars Electronica Center, Linz, Austria, July 16–20, 2019.
Refereed research paper: Prof. Barry Bruster, Dr. Benita Bruster, Dr. Lori Morris. "Full Spectrum Learning - A Gateway to Success for College Students." National Technology and Social Science Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada, April 14-16, 2019.
Refereed research paper: Dr. Alice Lin, Dr. Charles Chen, Dr. Frank Chen. "A New Approach to Multiplayer Virtual Reality Games." 2019 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (ICMAI 2019), Chengdu, China, April 12-15, 2019.
Presentation: John Nicholson, "Curve stitching as a two-dimensional density plot." Joint Mathematics Meeting, Baltimore Convention Center, January 16-19, 2019. See his research here:
- Refereed Research Paper: Tianyang Wang, Jun Huan, Michelle Zhu. “Instance-based Deep Transfer Learning.” IEEE the International Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Hawaii, USA, Jan 8-10, 2019.
- Refereed Research Paper: James Church, Tabitha S. Y. Lee, and Bettina K. Shank, "Enhancements to PeayNotes: Extending the Generic Web-based Patient Clinical Notes Sharing System." ACM Mid-SouthEast Fall 2018 Conference, Gatlinburg, TN, November 15-16, 2018.
- Refereed Research Paper: Barry Bruster, "Robots, Emotional Intelligence, and Security?" ACM Mid-SouthEast Fall 2018 Conference, Gatlinburg, TN, November 15-16, 2018.
- Refereed Research Paper: Leong Lee and Bruce Myers, "TAS: A Teaching Allocation System to Manage Teaching Resources in a University Computer Science Department." ACM Mid-SouthEast Fall 2018 Conference, Gatlinburg, TN, November 15-16, 2018.
- Refereed Research Paper: Tianyang Wang, Jun Huan, Bo Li. “Data Dropout: Optimizing Training Data for Convolutional Neural Networks.” IEEE the 30th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), Volos, Greece, Nov 5-7, 2018. (acceptance rate: 29%)
- Refereed Research Paper: Alice J. Lin, Charles B Chen and Fuhua (Frank) Cheng. "Virtual Reality Games for Health Care." EITCE 2018 Conference, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, China, October 12-14, 2018.
- Refereed Research Paper: James Church, Bettina Shank, Tabitha S. Y. Lee, Trevor Compton, and Justin M. Conklin. "PeayNotes: A Generic Web-based Patient Clinical Notes Sharing System for Health Care Professionals." Rocky Mountain CCSC Conference, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM, October 12-13, 2018.
- Haskell: Data Analysis Made Easy - by Dr. James Church: This 78 page book covers setting up the Haskell environment, performing meaningful analysis on real-world data, visualizing and harvesting information from data, and identifying patterns in the data with advanced data analysis. Perfect for anyone new to the field of data analysis that wants to polish their skill with Haskell. Amazon link to book.
- Learning Haskell Data Analysis - by Dr. James Church: This 194 page book covers creating portable databases with SQLite3 and pulling large amounts of data into your Haskell programs, using EasyPlot to make publication-ready charts, and analyzing real-word data with the most commonly used statistical techniques. A must-buy for any developer, analyst, or data scientist wanting to learn data analysis methods with Haskell! Amazon link to book.
- Honoring the Graduates/Ms. Leimer's Farwell: April 23, 2019, 3:30 - 4:30pm, MMCS 244. The soon to be graduates were recognized with promotional items and pizza, and Ms. Leimer's legacy was remembered in preparation for her upcoming retirement.
- Northeast High School Visit: April 22, 2019. 40 students from the Northeast Computer Information Technology Academy came to the university, learning all about the opportunities at APSU from Dr. James Church, Dr. Matt Anderson, Ms. Dawn VanderLee, and Dr. Leong Lee. Tours of campus filled the day as well.
- Girl Scout Cybersecurity Event: April 13, 9am - 12pm. Members of the local Girl Scouts chapter came and participated in activities and learning all based around computer science.
- CatHacks Hackathon: March 30-31, 2019. 4 Students from APSU travelled up to Lexington, KY to take part
in this 24 hour hackathon, forming two teams. Both teams won big prizes, winning Best
Solo Hack and 2nd place overall among the teams. APSU News Article
- The People's Power(points): Susan Kersten. A way to congregate links to powerpoints from several presenters, ending the scourge of "5 minutes of empty time between each presentation in school". She won best solo hack for her work.
- LeapLearning: Sign Language: Aidan Murphy, Dylan Engle, Nathan Nickelson. Using The Leap Beats hand-tracking system, this team built a way for people to try out sign language poses. The software will tell them if they did the sign right or not. They won 2nd place for their work.
- Junior Coder Camp: Saturdays, February through April. This is the first year APSU has offered coding classes to kids in grades K - 8, teaching students the basics of coding and having them complete several projects throughout the month.
- Computer Science Education Week: December 05, 2018, 3:30 - 8:00pm in the Maynard Building. The annual 'open house' showcased all the work the department had been doing, as well as recent tech advancements. Activities included a lab dedicated to doing "Hour of Code" labs online, a VR lab with an Oculus Rift and Acer MR, and a tribute to Dr. Myers. Over 40 presentations were given, from posterboards to live sessions over everything from IoT security to bitmap images and SVG. The event was led by Dr. Elarde.
- MLH Local Hack Day: December 1st, from 9:00am - 9:30pm. Students paired up in teams of 1-4 to bring their
ideas to life using many different means. The ACM organized this event, led by Suzy
12 students came out, each building something unique:- Grade Assistant: Built by Tanner Jones and Jacob Simon, this Java-based app helps students track their grades and see how well they're doing in a class.
- Cube Runner: Built by Harrison Welch, this Unity game emulates classics such as Temple Run. He won Student's Choice - 2nd place.
- Magic: The Gathering Deck Builder: Built by Hunter Oechsel, this web app helps players put in the cards they currently have and suggests decks they could build using those cards.
- Puppy Match: Built by Lexie Nance and Robyn Yates, this app helps prospective pet owners choose dogs from local shelters that are perfect for them.
- Fourier Transform Pictures: Built by Navarone Dupont, this app built with Gnu Octave takes a picture and draws lines around the edges of the main objects from the picture using Fourier Transforms. He won Best use of Math.
- Swag Gov: Rachel Perkins built a cutout of the Gov and adorned him with all the stickers and other swag we got from the event!
- APSU Hub: Thomas Bau used PHP to create a file-sharing site where students could upload their notes and other files for any other student to access and use. He won Organizer's Choice.
- Just Stay Inside: Zack Toupe created this website as a resource to people who just wanna veg indoors by suggesting things to do, food to eat, and more. He won Best New Hacker.
- Port-A-Cade: Tired of not having a good way to play retro games, Suzy kersten created a tabletop arcade cabinet using old speakers, a monitor, and a Raspberry Pi. She won Student's Choice - 1st Place.
2018 Fall APSU CSIT Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (AC3DC): Saturday, November 10, 8:00 AM - 5:00PM, TB 204. This is the seventh semester of the information security competition happening on campus. It included cyber attack and cyber defense rounds by CSIT student teams. Students learned with hands-on experience, aided by Professor Bruster (
- UT Martin Programming Competition: UT Martin, November 3, 2018. 3 teams traveled under Dr. Church to participate in the
competition. Every team finished at least 3 problems, making Dr. Church proud. Full
The teams were:- null: Placed 2nd locally, 54 out of 125 national competitors, won quadcopters. Comprised of Lexie Nance, Chris Tuncap, and Harrison Welch. It was the first programming competition for everyone on this team.
- Namespace Awesome: Placed 7th, comprised of Ryan Swanson, Robyn Yates, and Kenneth Shipley. It was Kenneth's first programming competition.
- Avengers: Placed 8th, comprised of Ron Harper, Nathan Nicholson, and Aidan Murphey. It was Aidan's first competition. This team solved problem B faster than any other team at UT Martin.
- CSCI Advising for Spring 2019: Tuesday, October 30, 2:30pm - 6:00pm outside the MMCS 133 lab. Students prepared for Spring 2019 thorough a meeting with their advisor. Free pizza and soft drinks were provided.
Dr. Bruce Myer's Retirement Reception: A Retirement Reception was held honoring Dr. Bruce Myers, Fri, Oct 26, 2018, 7pm - 9:30pm. The Reception was held at 416 College Street, located near the campus food pantry and BCM. Read about the many things he did for the CSCI department:
- HackGT Hackathon: Georgia Tech, Atlanta, October 19-21. 5 Students in attendance, one 4-person team,
one 1-person team.
- HackGT is a 36 hour hackathon, where teams "Dare to Venture" by making new inventions with computer science concepts in a 36 hour period. Multiple high-impact sponsors were there, including Google, Disney Tech, NCR, and Capital One. 1000 hackers were there participating in the event.
- The two teams from APSU were:
- HackGT-HeroesCode: Robyn Yates went solo,making a game that helps teach kids to code. She won the Equity in Computing Prize for her outstanding effort! Check out the submission here:
- OpenTour: This team of four consisted of Suzy Kersten, Harrison Welch, Lexi Nance, and Thomas Bau.Their plan was to let people share their stories at any location using the arcGIS mapping API. They learned much about front/back end dev! Their prototype really wowed us all. Their submission:
- VolHacks III Hackathon 2018: UTK Knoxville, September 28-30. 3 teams of 4 participating.
- VolHacks is a 36 hour hackathon, where teams of up to 4 have 36 hours to build something using any kind of technology they have.At the end of the 36 hours, teams are judged on multiple categories, from best overall to best use of a particular technology to best for social good.
- The 3 teams participating were:
- Team Black: Bunkerin' Down, a website to score locations based on how good they would be to shelter in during a natural disaster. They won Best Social Good hack.
- Team Red: PiMail, a hardware peripheral that you can put on your mailbox to alert you when anyone opens your mailbox. They won Most Technical and Most Marketable.
- Team White: Leap Beats Unplugged, a game using sensors to track your hands so you can play a virtual set of bongos.
- CoSTEM Award Ceremony: April 25, 2019. Several outstanding students were recognized for the achievements in computer science.
- Computer Science Student recognized by APSU: November 6, 2018. Luke Cecil was interviewed by APSU and promoted as one of our model students. Read more about it:
APSU's online CSCI Degree Awarded top 20 ranking from This high praise was awarded to APSU's online Computer Science Bachelor's Degree on a multitude of factors: the quality of the program, types of courses offered, faculty, awards, rankings, reputation, and the online education method used. We truly appreciate this honor! Read More:
- Grace Hopper Celebratrion: George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX, Sept. 26-28 2018. Our own Jordan Miller
attended the conference for women in STEM fields, and had this to say about her experience
- "The experience was life changing being able to be with 20,000 women in technology. I was able to listen to women speak about changing the industry of technology using Self-Driving Cars, soccer balls that generate energy by harnessing kinetic energy, and using Human Computer Interaction to help children with Autism. Not only did I learn about the technology shaping our future, but I connected with women from all over the world creating lasting friendships. I also got the chance to learn how people are making a difference to get and keep more women in technology. I am hoping to connect with a local group and make a difference on a local scale about the number of women in technology. I cannot wait to go back next year! #WeAreHere #GHC18 "
APSU CSIT started offering Saturday “APSU Junior Coders” coding classes, covering all K-12 grades, during Spring and Fall semesters, first at the Clarksville
Montgomery Public Library, then at the APSU Maynard Math and CS Building. From 2018
to 2019, APSU Junior Coders taught coding to close to 200 K-12 students.
In 2019, APSU CSIT continued to organize APSU Summer Coding Camps, these 7 paid day-camps, and half-day camps, covered all K-12 grades, and introduced
coding to more than 150 K-12 students.
APSU Junior Coder Classes - Spring 2019 - 61 Students (Self-Funded)
- 2019 February K-2nd Grade Class: Tynker Coding for Kids – 5 students
- $55
- Open to K-2 grade students
- 2019, Feb 2, 9, 16, 23 :: 1pm-2pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Jan 31, 2019
- Parents are encouraged to sit in classes
- 2019 February 3rd-5th Grade Class: Tynker Coding for Children – 11 students
- $55
- Open to 3-5 grade students
- 2019, Feb 2, 9, 16, 23 :: 2:15pm-3:15pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Jan 31, 2019
- 2019 February 6th-8th Grade Class: Tynker Coding for Middle Schoolers – 4 students
- $55
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2019, Feb 2, 9, 16, 23 :: 3:30pm-4:30pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Jan 31, 2019
- 2019 March K-2nd Grade Class: Tynker Coding for Kids – 5 students
- $55
- Open to K-2 grade students
- 2019, Mar 2, 9, 16, 23 :: 1pm-2pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Feb 28, 2019
- Parents are encouraged to sit in classes
- 2019 March 3rd-5th Grade Class: Tynker Coding for Children – 16 students
- $55
- Open to 3-5 grade students
- 2019, Mar 2, 9, 16, 23 :: 2:15pm-3:15pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Feb 28, 2019
- 2019 March 6th-8th Grade Class: Tynker Coding for Middle Schoolers – 2 students
- $55
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2019, Mar 2, 9, 16, 23 :: 3:30pm-4:30pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: Feb 28, 2019
- 2019 April K-2nd Grade Class: Tynker Coding for Kids – 7 students
- $55
- Open to K-2 grade students
- 2019, April 6, 13, 20, 27 :: 1pm-2pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: April 3, 2019
- Parents are encouraged to sit in classes
- April 3rd-5th Grade Class: Tynker Coding for Children – 9 students
- $55
- Open to 3-5 grade students
- 2019, April 6, 13, 20, 27 :: 2:15pm-3:15pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: April 3, 2019
- 2019 April 6th-8th Grade Class: Tynker Coding for Middle Schoolers – 2 students
- $55
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students
- 2019, April 6, 13, 20, 27 :: 3:30pm-4:30pm :: 4 Saturdays
- Application deadline: April 3, 2019
APSU Coding Camps - Summer 2019 - 140 Students (Self-Funded)
- 2019 June K-2nd Grade AM Camp: Tynker Coding for Kids – 16 students
- $99
- Half day camp, NO lunch, snack & drinks provided
- Open to K-2 grade students (grade in Fall 2019 semester)
- 2019, June 10 to 14 :: 9am-12pm :: Monday to Friday :: 5 days
- Application deadline: June 3, 2019
- Parents are allowed to sit in classes, but not required
- 2019 June 3-5th Grade PM Camp: Tynker Coding for Children – 32 students
- $99
- Half day camp, NO lunch, snack & drinks provided
- Open to 3-5 grade students (grade in Fall 2019 semester)
- 2019, June 10 to 14 :: 1:30pm-4:30pm :: Monday to Friday :: 5 days
- Application deadline: June 3, 2019
- 2019 June 6th-8th Grade Middle School AM Camp: Construct 2 Coding for Middle Schoolers – 35 students
- $99
- Half day camp, NO lunch, snack & drinks provided
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students (grade in Fall 2019 semester)
- 2019, June 17 to 21 :: 9am-12pm :: Monday to Friday :: 5 days
- Application deadline: June 10, 2019 - Camp is Full
- 2019 June 6th-8th Grade Middle School PM Camp: Construct 2 Coding for Middle Schoolers – 19 students
- $99
- Half day camp, NO lunch, snack & drinks provided
- Open to 6-8 grade middle school students (grade in Fall 2019 semester)
- 2019, June 17 to 21 :: 1:30pm-4:30pm :: Monday to Friday :: 5 days
- Application deadline: June 10, 2019
- 2019 June 9th-12th Grade High School Camp #A: HTML / CSS / JavaScript Programming – 15 students
- $199
- Day camp, lunch provided, snack & drinks, free T-shirts
- Open to 9-12 grade high school students and 1st year college students (grade in Fall 2019 semester)
- 2019, June 24 to 28 :: 9:00am-3:30pm :: Monday to Friday :: 5 days
- Application deadline: June 17, 2019
- 2019 July 9th-12th Grade High School Camp #B: Python Programming – 9 students
- $179
- Day camp, lunch provided, snack & drinks, free T-shirts
- Open to 9-12 grade high school students and 1st year college students (grade in Fall 2019 semester)
- 2019, July 1, 2, 3, 5 :: 9:00am-3:30pm :: Monday to Friday :: 4 days
- Application deadline: June 24, 2019
- 2019 July 9th-12th Grade High School Camp #C: Unity C# Game Development – 14 students
- $199
- Day camp, lunch provided, snack & drinks, free T-shirts
- Open to 9-12 grade high school students and 1st year college students (grade in Fall 2019 semester)
- 2019, July 8 to 12 :: 9:00am-3:30pm :: Monday to Friday :: 5 days
- Application deadline: July 1, 2019 (extended to July 4)
Academic Year 2017-2018
- Dr. Nicholas A. Coleman, Dr. Leong Lee, Dr. Gregory S. Ridenour, "Stochastic Modeling of Hydraulic Geometry Using An Extremal Hypothesis," CMCGS 2018 Conference: Singapore, April 9-10, 2018. ISSN 2251-1911.
- Dr. James Church "Segmentation of Unorganized Point Cloud Data". 2017 Fall ACM Mid-Southeast Conference, November 9 & 10, 2017, Glenstone Lodge, Gatlinburg, TN.
- Radio Appearance by Dr. Church: Dr. James Church gave a short stump speech for the upcoming APSU CSIT Coding Camps. The radio interview lasted around 10 minutes and was held on WDBL AM Radio 1590 on 05/02/2018, 7:45am.
- Honoring the Graduates: A session was held at 1:30 PM on Monday, April 30 in MMCS 244 to honor the new graduates from the department. Pizza and drinks were provided. Each graduate was presented with a small token of appreciation for their work here.
- Computer Organization II Student IoT project presentations: From 11:30am until 2:30pm on 4/25/2018 in the Maynard first floor lobby, students from the Spring 2018 CSCI 3410 Computer Organization II class demonstrated and/or presented aspects of their Raspberry PI based 'Internet of Things' term projects. Dr. Church was even seen playing DOOM on a media-based project.
Spring 2018 AC3DC: The APSU CSIT Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition was held on Saturday, April 21, 2018 from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm in TB 204. This was the sixth semester of the AC3DC focusing on information security competition. This AC3DC included cyber attack (offensive) rounds, and cyber defense (protection) rounds by the CS&IT student teams. No prior security knowledge and cyber skills was required, as students learned through “hands-on” experience. Organized by Prof. Bruster.
- Social media pages: The CSIT department set up several social media pages at facebook, twitter, and instagram. Facebook:, Twitter:, Instagram:
Fall 2018 Advising Session: The Computer Science and Information Technology student's advising session for Fall 2018 was be held Tuesday, March 27th, from 2:30 - 6:00 PM on the first floor of Maynard outside to MMCS 133 lab. Free pizza and soft drinks were provided.
- CoSTEM Graduation Reception: December 15, 2017, Immediately following Fall 2017 Commencement in the Maynard lobby. Heartfelt congratulations and best wishes were left for our wonderful graduates as they brought their family to the Maynard lobby to celebrate their achievement with their professors.
- Computer Science Education Week Celebration: December 06, 2017, 3:30-6:00pm in Maynard Lobby. Computer Science Education Week is an annual program dedicated to celebrating and promoting the importance of computer science education. Students presented their team projects and research work in a seminar format. The event included poster board presentations, student and faculty research, games, and more computing related topics. Free pizza and soft drinks were provided. The event was led by Dr. Elarde.
- Regional ACM Programming Contest 2017: November 11, 2017. 2 teams participated, supervised by Dr. Church.
- The ACM Programming Contest is an international programming contest run every year by the Association for Computing Machinery. The contest takes place in two phases. The first phase is the Regional Contests which are held at various sites throughout the world. Each region coordinates its own contest and the top teams in each region are chosen to compete at the second phase of the contest, which is the World Finals.
- APSU competed in the Mid Central region at University of Tennessee at Martin. There 14 teams competing at the site and were 126 teams competing in the region. Standings.
- The teams were supervised by Dr. James Church, and the teams were:
- Ron Harper, Robyn Yates, and Nathan Nickelson. 4th at the site and 57th in the region.
- Namespace Awesome: Ryan Swanson, Rhett Newton, and Luke Cecil. 10th at the site and 100th in the region.
- 2017 Fall ACM Mid-Southeast Conference, November 9 & 10, 2017, Glenstone Lodge, Gatlinburg, TN. student, Michael Timbes presented poster "Using TensorFlow for Face Detection" at the conference.
- New concentration in Information Assurance and Security was approved for the Computer Science and Quantitative Methods, Professional Science Master's Degree program. Congratulations to Dr. Elarde, Mr. Bruster and Dr. Myers for all of their work on this project.
- Northeast High School Field Trip: November 3, 2017. 45 Students and 2 teachers from the Northeast Computer Information Technology Academy, a part of Northeast High School, visited the APSU campus. They were given a welcome and admissions presentation, toured the Maynard, Technology, and Sundquist buildings, and had lunch at The Terrace in Eriksson Residence Hall.
- CSIT Advising Session for Spring 2018: October 31st, 2:30pm - 6:00pm on the first floor of the Maynard Building. Free pizza and soft drinks are provided while students prepared for the next semester at APSU.
- Presentation over Computer Science Applications in Military Contracting Industry: October 28, 2017, 4:30PM in SSC E106A. Mr. Todd Beales, program manager for Pinnacle Solutions Inc. Virtual and Web-Based programs, gave a presentation over VR based Virtual Maintenance Trainers and Virtual Crash Lab Products Pinnacle has created for the military. Free pizza and soft drinks were provided!
- EDGE - Video Game Development Summer Camp 2017: July 2017: The APSU Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, led
by Dr. James Church, hosted the EDGE (Educational Developing Games Experience) Summer
Camp for local high school students.
The free camp, sponsored by Google, allowed participants to learn about how video games are made. 37 camp participants made prototypes of classic game types, such as arcade, platformer, puzzle, and 3D open world games using the Unity 3D framework in the C# programming language.
We would like to thank Google for the generous donation, and all the parties involved, for making this camp a valuable experience for our future computer scientists / IT professionals.
- Rebecca Armstrong Student Leadership Honor: Incoming APSU (Computer Science) student Rebecca Armstrong awarded student leadership honor by American Spirit Awards. Shout-out to Northeast High School teachers, Rebecca, and Rebecca's parents! Click here to read article from
In 2018 Google Sponsored APSU Summer Coding Camps, APSU provided 5 camps, taught 6 programming languages, to around 130 high school students.
Academic Year 2016-2017
- Dr. Barry Bruster, Dr. Joseph V. Elarde. "Launching Your Cyber Defense Competition". ACM Mid-Southeast Fall 2016 Conference: November 2016. Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
- Dr. Church Publishes Second Haskell Book: February 28, 2017. Dr. Church published "Haskell: Data Analysis Made Easy" through Packt Publishing. This 78 page book covers setting up the Haskell environment, performing meaningful analysis on real-world data, visualizing and harvesting information from data, and identifying patterns in the data with advanced data analysis. Perfect for anyone new to the field of data analysis that wants to polish their skill with Haskell. Amazon link to book.
- Dr. Leong Lee, Dr. Matthew Jones (Mathematics), Dr. Gregory S. Ridenour (Geosciences), Mr. Sam J. Bennett, Miss. Arisha C. Majors, Miss. Bianca L. Melito, and Michael J. Wilson (GIS Center). "Comparison of Accuracy and Precision of GPS-Enabled Mobile Devices", IEEE International Conference Research Paper: Yanuca Island, Fiji, Dec 7-10, 2016.
- Dr. Joseph V. Elarde. "Toward Improving Introductory Programming Student Course Success Rates - Experiences
with a Modified Cohort Model to Student Success Sessions", CCSC-SE 2016 Conference Research Paper: University of North Carolina in Asheville. November 5, 2016.
- Dr. Joseph V. Elarde, Mr. Barry Bruster. "A Computer Organization Team Project: Introducing Performance Benchmarking to Students
using a Real World Case Study", SIGITE 2016 Conference Research Paper: Boston. October 1, 2016.
- CSIT Advising Session for Fall 2017: March 28, 2017, 2:30pm - 6:00pm, MMCS 133 Lab. PIzza and soft drinks were served while students prepared for the next semester.
- Graduation Reception: December 09, 2016 - SSC Atrium immediately after Commencement
- "End of Semester" gathering for the Computer Science Graduates: December 06, 2016, 12:00pm - 1:00pm - MMCS Atrium Area
- Student Research Competition – Internet of Things! Dr. Joseph Elarde and Prof. Barry Bruster initiated a creative student research competition using Internet of Things (IoT) Hardware. The "Vision-engineering" contest had three teams competing for the Visioneering contest recognition award, with final judging occurring in Fall 2017.
- ACM Mid-Southeast Fall 2016 Conference: November 2016. Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Dr. Joseph V. Elarde served as a Session Judge at different undergraduate and graduate presentations sessions, presented a talk titled "The Effectiveness of Network Security Protocols & the Secure Internet."
- Alexander D. Hornic: Computer Science Senior - Accepted an REU in Los Angeles USC Institute for Creative Technologies of the University of Southern California. Alex worked on the "Natural Language Dialog Processing for Virtual Humans" Project from May 31 - August 5th, 2016.
- Brand New Concenctration: A new concentration in Information Assurance and Security was approved for the Computer Science and Quantitative Methods Professional Science Master's Degree program. Congratulations and thanks given to Dr. Elarde, Mr. Bruster, and Dr. Myers for all their work on this project.
In 2017 Google Sponsored APSU Summer Coding Camps, APSU provided 2 camps, to around 40 high school students.
Academic Year 2015-2016
- Dr. Joseph V. Elarde, Mr. Barry Bruster. "A Computer Architecture/Organization Team Project Assignment–Reverse Engineering MARIE" CCSC-MS 2016 Conference Research Paper: Rhodes College. April 1, 2016.
- Dr. Nicholas Coleman. “Computer Science Education: A Systems Approach” Professional Presentations session, ACM Mid-Southeast Fall 2015 Conference: November
12-13 2015. Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
- Dr. Joseph Elarde. “Processor Resource Utilization Measurements in Simultaneous Multi-Threading Configurations: Synthetic Benchmark Analysis” Professional Presentations session, ACM Mid-Southeast Fall 2015 Conference: November 12-13 2015. Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
- Dr. Leong Lee. “Determining the Accuracy and Precision of Spatial Data through the Use of GPS-Enabled Mobile Devices”, Professional Presentations session,.ACM Mid-Southeast Fall 2015 Conference: November 12-13 2015. Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
- Computer Science Education Week Celebration: December 02, 2015
- CMCSS Career Day: November 18-19, 2015. Wilma Rudolph Events Center. Dr. Joseph Elarde, Dr. John Nicholson, and Prof. Nancy Smithfield volunteered at this event
- Southeastern Women in Computing Conference (SEWIC): November 13-15, 2015. Georgia Tech in Atlanta, GA.
- Amy Hill presented “Building a Simulated Processor in the Classroom” during the undergraduate poster presentation. LaTeesha Reaves and Amy Hill did a fantastic job representing the University.
- Dr. Chenchutta Jackson served as a judge for graduate student posters presented at the conference.
- ACM Mid-Southeast Fall 2015 Conference: November 12-13 2015. Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Dr. Joseph Elarde, Dr. John Nicholson, and Dr. Leong Lee served as Session Chairs and Judges at different undergraduate and graduate presentations
- Mason Cordell presented research findings titled "Building a Simulated Processor in the Classroom" by Mason Cordell, Joseph Cloutier, Amy Hill and Joseph Elarde, at the Undergraduate 4 Year Degree Presentations session.
- Community Health Systems (CHS): November 04, 2015. CHS conducted internship interviews at the department for a Spring 2016 paid internship.
- CSCI Advisement Event: November 03, 2015.
- Brooksource: November 03, 2015 2:30pm - 6:00pm. Brooksource is a national IT services company specializing in IT hiring, recruiting, and staffing needs. Their Technical Youth division came to the computer science department to establish contacts with the graduating students with a presentation and a booth.
- Information Security Talk: October 15, 2015. "The Importance of Information Security" by Mr. Mark Brown, ISO Pinnacle Financial Partners.
- APSU Radio Interview: October 02, 2015. Dr. Bruce Myers interviewed with the APSU campus radio, talking about the success of the department through the high number of computer science graduates. Listen to the interview on Youtube.
- Freshmen/Transfer Student Welcome Event: September 23, 2015 3:30pm. MMCS 244. New students were introduced to the professors in the department.
- APSU Summer Research Symposium: September 18, 2015 2:00pm-4:00pm, APSU Woodward Library Room 232. Alexander Hornick and Benjamin Hardin, two computer science students, presented research they completed over the course of the summer.
- New Minor: Information Assurance & Security Minor offered for the first time in Fall 2015.
- Professional Science Master's Degree: The first graduates from the PSM program graduated in Summer of 2015.
- CSIT Honoring the Graduates: May 03, 2015 12:00pm MMCS 2nd floor lobby.
- Dr. Leong Lee served on the CMCSS Academy of Computer and Game Programming Advisory Committee at Northeast High School, Clarksville, TN, AY2015-16.
- Alexander D. Hornick did REU at Iowa State University in Summer 2015. He participated in the Summer Program for Interdisciplinary Research and Education – Emerging Interface Technologies (SPIRE – EIT), and he was in the Detecting Threat team.
- ACM Student Chapter Officers:
- ACM President: Dustin Marchak
- ACM Vice President: Megan Bartlett
- Treasurer: Alexander Hornick
- Web Master: Dominic Volavong
- Secretary: Doreen Lynch
Academic Year 2014-2015
- Dr. Church Publishes Haskell Book: May 28, 2015. Dr. Church published "Learning Haskell Data Analysis" through Packt Publishing. This 194 page book covers creating portable databases with SQLite3 and pulling large amounts of data into your Haskell programs, using EasyPlot to make publication-ready charts, and analyzing real-word data with the most commonly used statistical techniques. A must-buy for any developer, analyst, or data scientist wanting to learn data analysis methods with Haskell! Amazon link to book.
- Dr. Leong Lee and Dr. Gregory S. Ridenour (Geosciences) "Using Data Mining to Investigate Interaction between Channel Characteristics and Hydraulic
Geometry Channel Types". IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence(SSCI): December 9-12, 2014.
Orlando, Florida.
- Dr. Joseph Elarde “A Computer Architecture/Organization Team Project Assignment - Reverse Engineering
the MARIE Processor” Professional Presentations session. ACM Mid-Southeast Fall 2014 Conference: November 13-14 2014. Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
- Dr. Chenchutta Jackson “Virtual Worlds and Conservational Channel Evolution and Pollutant Transport Systems
(CONCEPTS)” Professional Presentations session. ACM Mid-Southeast Fall 2014 Conference: November 13-14 2014. Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
- Dr. Leong Lee, Dr. Matthew Jones (Math), Dr. Gregory S. Ridenour (Geosciences), Mr. Maurice P.
Testa, and Mr. Michael J. Wilson (GIS) "Investigating and Comparing Spatial Accuracy and Precision of GPS-Enabled Devices
in Middle Tennessee" GRMSE 2014 Conference: October 3-5, 2014. Ypsilanti, Michigan
- Dr. Samuel N. Jator, the math dept. chair, and Dr. Leong Lee published a research paper "Implementing a seventh-order linear multistep method in a predictor-corrector mode or block mode: which is more efficient for the general second order initial value problem" in the peer-reviewed SpringerPlus Journal, SpringerPlus 2014, 3:447.
- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Communication University of China: July 28, 2015. The APSU College of Science and Mathematics and the Communication University of China signed an MOU together.
- CMCSS externship Wordpress Web Development Workshop: May 27-28, 2015. Five Northeast High School teachers of the Game Programming Academy attended a 2 day Wordpress workshop at the APSU department of Computer Science. The workshop was organized by Dr. Leong Lee and Dr. Bruce Myers, supported by the APSU Office of Admissions and the APSU Office of Academic Affairs.
- William James Middle School Career Day: May 12, 2015. White Bluff, TN. Dr. Joseph Elarde gave a presentation at the school's Career Day.
- CMCSS 2015 Showcase of High School Academies Business after School Event: January 29, 2015. West Creek High School, Clarksville, TN. Dr. Leong Lee attended the Showcase.
- CMCSS Academy of Computer and Game Programming Advisory Committee: 2014-2015. Northeast High School, Clarksville, TN. Dr. Lee served on the Advisory Committee.
- Computer Science Education Week Open House: December 03, 2014, 3:30pm-6:00pm. Maynard Lobby. Multiple presentations shown, games, Pizza, prizes, and more relating the the field of Computer Science. Leaf Chronicle Article on the event.
- ACM Mid-Southeast Fall 2014 Conference: November 13-14 2014. Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Dr. Joseph Elarde, Dr. Chenchutta Jackson, and Dr. John Nicholson served as Session Chairs and Judges at different undergraduate and graduate presentations sessions..
- Regional ACM Programming Contest 2014: November 1st, 2014. 3 teams participated, supervised by Dr. Coleman.
- The ACM Programming Contest is an international programming contest run every year by the Association for Computing Machinery. The contest takes place in two phases. The first phase is the Regional Contests which are held at various sites throughout the world. Each region coordinates its own contest and the top teams in each region are chosen to compete at the second phase of the contest, which is the World Finals.
- APSU competed in the Mid Central region (TN, KY, IL, AR, MO) at the Tennessee Tech site in Cookeville, TN on Saturday, November 1st. There were 24 teams competing at the site and 153 teams competing in the region.
- The teams were supervised by Dr. Nicholas Coleman, and the teams were:
- Modem Family: Donald Buhl-Brown, William Rich, Michael Walker :::: 4th at the site and 38th in the region
- The Knights Who Say GNU: Connor Bourne, Jacob Hilliard, Brett Lee :::: 9th at the site and 59th in the region
- The X-Filesystem: Jason Coppedge, Stephen Schuetrumpf, Daniel Wherry :::: 15th at the site and 90th in the region
- Department PSM (Professional Science Master's) program produces first graduates! Summer 2015.
- Arisha Majors receives Drane Award: Spring 2015. The Drane Award is a top APSU Student award.
- AP Day Honorable Mention: November 1, 2014. The Department of Computer Science & IT was selected for Honorable Mention related to their display, a tablet powered drawing robot. Congratulations to Dr. John Nicholson and Dr. Joseph Elarde.
- Computer Science student Arisha Majors designs website for Tennessee Academy of Sciences
- Graduate accepted at Georgia Institute of Technology: Congratulations to Kadeem J. Pardue, graduate of Spring 2014, for being accepted to the online Masters of Science in Computer Science program (with a specialization in Databases and Software Engineering) at the Georgia Institute of Technology's College of Computing.
- 2014 Socrates Award for Excellence in Teaching: Congratulations to Dr. John Nicholson for receiving the 2014 Socrates Award for Excellence in Teaching.
- APSU Computer Science program recognized as a top 50 program:, a leading resource for online learning in computer science and related fields, recently released its Best Online Computer Science Degrees list for 2015, and the organization ranked Austin Peay State University as one of the top 50 programs in the nation.
- Congratulations to Spring 2014 Computer Science Graduates Who Secure Jobs BEFORE Graduation ! Justin Carter, Brian Rivers, Clinton Person, Kadeem Pardue, Sean Bennett, Steven (Scott) Dunning, Anthony Coffey, Jeffrey Gray.
- ACM nominated for Student Organization Award: Congratulations to the ACM officers for all the hard work they have done this year. These awards are presented during the annual student organization and leader awards program, April 16, 2014, 6pm. Dr. Nicholas Coleman is the ACM student organization sponsor.
- The New Networking Concentration was first offered the Fall of 2014
- ACM Student Chapter Officers:
- ACM President: Dustin Marchak
- ACM Vice President: Megan Bartlett
- Treasurer: Alexander Hornick
- Web Master: Dominic Volavong
- Secretary: Doreen Lynch
Academic Year 2013-2014
- Dr. John Nicholson “Image Stacker” and “The Pesky Tourist” Nifty Assignments Panel. 2014 SIGCSE Conference: March 2014. Atlanta, GA.
- Dr. Joseph Elarde “Simultaneous Multi-Threading Capacity Planning Implications”, Professional Presentations session. ACM Mid-Southeast Fall 2013 Conference: Nov 14-15, 2013. Gatlinburg, Tennessee
- Dr. Leong Lee, Dr. Gregory S. Ridenour “Data Mining for Hydraulic Geometry” Professional Presentations session, ACM Mid-Southeast Fall 2013 Conference: Nov 14-15,
2013. Gatlinburg, Tennessee
- 2014 National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR): April 3-5, 2014. University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY. Two Computer Science students were accepted to present at the conference. Congratulations to Donald Buhl-Brown, advised by Dr. John Nicholson, and William Rich, advised by Dr. Jiang Li.
- Career Networking Event 2014: February 19, 2014, 9am-1pm. APSU MUC Ballroom.
An opportunity for successful alumni to return to campus to spend time with students in a one-on-one, small-group or round table discussions to share their experiences, offer practical advice and give students a realistic picture of their respective fields (this is not a career fair). The event is open and FREE to all students.
Computer Science Alumni that will be there are:
- Mike Smithfield (’94 – Computer Science) : Consulting Performance Tester -- Hospital Corporation of America
- Michael Wright (’85 – Computer Science) : Co-Owner / VP -- Quality Manufacturing Systems, Inc.
- Bruce Hall (’10 – Computer Science) : Solution Analyst -- Ricoh
- Mario Chavez-Rivas (’01 Computer Science) : Front End Systems Leader -- Ingersoll-Rand
- Ronnie Sagar (’09 – Computer Science) : Senior IT Specialist -- CDE Lightband
- Michael Neverdusky (’03 – Computer Science) : Senior Network Engineer -- CDE Lightband
Mike Wright Study Nook Dedication and talk is at 3:30pm the same day in MMCS 244 (Maynard 244).
- Department Moved! January, 2014.The The Computer Science & IT department has moved to the new $6.7 million Maynard Building.
Maynard Mathematics and Computer Science Building was named in honor of local businessman and alumnus James Maynard (’56). The facility, which houses the APSU Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the APSU Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, joins the Sundquist Science Building and the Hemlock Semiconductor Building in creating a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) core on the eastern side of the campus. - Winter Commencement Address: Dr. Bruce Myers delivered the commencement address at the APSU 2013 Winter Commencement Ceremony to about 840 APSU Graduates. This was the largest winter commencement ceremony in the university's history up to this point.
- Graduate Reception: December 13, 2013. Held immediately following the 10AM Commencement. The Computer Science honored their graduates and enjoyed refreshments in the HSC Lab.
- Congratulations! Honoring the Graduates: December 6, 2013, 1:00pm. Claxton 306.
- Computer Science Education Week "Open House": December 4, 2013. Maynard Mathematics and Computer Science Building Lobby. Student poster-board presentations, project displays, a birthday cake celebration for computing pioneer Admiral Grace Hopper, free pizza, soft drinks, and prizes.
- Southeast Women in Computing Conference 2013: November 15-17, 2013. Lake Guntersville State Park, Alabama. Prof. Nancy Smithfield
attended along with students Dalene Hart, Chantel Hart, Bonnie Taylor, Andrea Keeton, Katrina Stroughter and Mary
- Bonnie Taylor presented poster "JKonference: A mobile Solution for the Business Person on the Go" at the conference.
- Prof. Nancy Smithfield served as judge at the poster presentation.
- ACM Mid-Southeast Fall 2013 Conference: Nov 14-15, 2013. Gatlinburg, Tennessee: Dr. Leong Lee served as Session Chair and Judge at the Doctoral Degree Presentations session, Dr. John Nicholson served as Session Chair and Judge at the Undergraduate 4-year Presentations session.
- Regional ACM Programming Contest: 2013. Tennessee Tech, Cookeville, TN. 3 teams participated this year. This region covers the states of Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Tennessee.
The regional contest takes place at multiple sites across these states. All three
times were coached by Dr. Nicholas Coleman.
- Team "Two and a Half Vegans" (Donald Buhl-Brown, William Rich, and Michael Walker) solved 4 of 8 problems, placed 6th out of 24 teams at the site and 44th out of 139 teams in the Mid-Central region.
- Team "FutuRAMa" (Stephen Schuetrumpf, Lacey Williams, and Dylan Wood) solved 3 problems and placed 14th at the site and 84th in the region.
- Team "Monty Python's Flying Circuits" (Connor Bourne, Jacob Hilliard, and Brett Lee) solved 2 problems and placed 21st at the site and 120th in the region.
- National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR): 2013. Lance Batson had an abstract accepted for presentation.
- New Professional Science Master's Degree: The Department is proud to announce that a Professional Science Master's Degree with a concentration in Data Management and Analysis will be offered beginning in the Fall of 2013.
- 2013 APSU National Alumni Association Distinguished Professor Award received by Dr. Bruce Myers.
- ACM nominated for Student Organization Award: Congratulations to the ACM officers for all the hard work they have done this year. These awards are presented during the annual student organization and leader awards program, April 16, 2014, 6pm. Dr. Nicholas Coleman is the ACM student organization sponsor.
- Exemplary Faculty Member of the Year 2013 was awarded to Dr. John Nicholson.
- 2013-14 Presidential Research Scholars was awarded to Donald Buhl-Brown and Billy Rich.