Catherine Haase
Associate Professor
- haasec@apsu.edu
- 931-221-6531
- Sundquist Science Complex Room SSC B213
“I love how engaged my students are in their education and willingness to learn, both inside and outside the classroom.”Dr. Haase on what she enjoys about being a part of the Austin Peay community
PhD in Interdisciplinary Ecology - University of Florida, 2016
MS in Conservation Biology - SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 2010
BS in Wildlife Biology - Unity College in Maine, 2007
I have lived in many states and have worked in many different ecological systems, from moose in upstate New York to wolves in Yellowstone National Park to manatees in the Florida Everglades! My excitement about ecology and mammalogy stems from my background - I grew up hiking and camping in the woods of northern New Jersey with my family and the local Girl Scout troop. My interest in the outdoors lead me to a small college in Maine, which started my career in wildlife ecology. From Maine, I pursued my MS degree studying moose in the Adirondacks of New York, then got a job studying ticks in the Hudson Valley, which lead to a project with wolves in Yellowstone National Park. I received my Ph.D. from the University of Florida (GO GATORS!) studying behavioral thermoregulation of the Florida manatee. Finally, I did my post-doctoral research at Montana State University studying the energetics of white-nose syndrome in western bat species.
Biological Methods
Mammal ecology
Spatial Ecology
Thermal Biology
Animal Energetics
Krueger*, S, SC Zirkle*, J O'Keefe, G Zirkle, C Haase. In press. White-nose syndrome, winter duration, and pre-hibernation climate impact abundance of reproductive female bats. PLOS One
Walker*, R, A Culley*, CG Haase, M Thomas, S Brandt, M Floyd, RE Johansen. 2024. High conductivity contributes to population isolation of a small-bodied, benthic, headwater specialist fish (Percidae). Ecology of Freshwater Fishes. E1276
Haase, CG, RJ Fletcher, Jr DH Slone, JP Reid, SM Butler. 2023. Quality of thermal refuges influences use by the cold intolerant Florida manatee. Endangered Species Research 51:89-101
McGuire, LP, NW Fuller, CG Haase, KA Silas, SH Olson. 2022. Lean mass dynamics in hibernating bats and implications for energy and water budgets. Physiological & Biochemical Zoology 95:317-325
McClure, ML, CR Hranac, CG Haase, S McGinnis, BG Dickson, DTS Hayman, LP McGuire, CL Lausen, RK Plowright, NW Fuller, SH Olson. 2021. Projecting compound effects of climate change and white-nose syndrome on North American bat species. Climate Change Ecology 3:100047
McGuire, LP, NW Fuller, YA Dzal, CG Haase, B Klug-Baerwald, KA Silas, RK Plowright, CL Lausen, CKR Willis, SH Olson. 2021. Interspecific variation in evaporative water loss and temperature response, but not metabolic rate, among hibernating bats. Scientific Reports 11(1):1-9
McGuire, LP, NW Fuller, YA Dzal, CG Haase, KA Silas, CKR Willis, SH Olson, CL Lausen. 2021. Similar physiology in hibernating bats across broad geographic ranges. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 192(1):171-181
Haase, CG, A Yang, K McNyset, J Blackburn. 2021. GARPTools: R software for data preparation and model evaluation of GARP models. Ecography 44(12):1790-1796
Hranac, CR, CG Haase, NW Fuller, ML McClure, JC Marshall, CL Lausen, LP McGuire, SH Olson, DTS Hayman. 2021. What is a winter? Modelling spatial variation in bat host traits and hibernation and their implications for overwintering energetics. Ecology and Evolution 11(17):11604-11614
McClure, ML, CG Haase, D Crowley, LP McGuire, NW Fuller, DTS Hayman, CL Lausen, RK Plowright, BG Dickson, SH Olson. 2021. A hybrid correlative-mechanistic approach for modeling and mapping winter distributions of western bat species. Journal of Biogeography 48:2429-2444
Haase, CG, NW Fuller, YA Dzal, DTS Hayman, CR Hranac, C Lausen, KA Silas, SH Olson, RK Plowright. 2021. Body mass and hibernation microclimate may predict bat susceptibility to white-nose syndrome. Ecology and Evolution 11(1):506-515
McClure, ML, D Crowley, CG Haase, LP McGuire, NW Fuller, DTS Hayman, CL Lausen, RK Plowright, BG Dickson, SH Olson (2020) Linking surface and subterranean climate conditions: implications for the study of hibernating bats and other cave dwellers. Ecosphere 11(10):1-17
Fuller, NW, LP McGuire, EL Pannkuk, T Blute, CG Haase, HW Mayberry, TS Risch, CKR Willis (2020) Disease recovery affected by white-nose syndrome. Experimental Biology 223(6):1-12
Haase, CG, RJ Fletcher, Jr, DH Slone, JP Reid, SM Butler (2020) Traveling to thermal refuges during stressful temperatures leads to foraging constraints in a central-place forager. Journal of Mammalogy 101(1):271-280
Haase, CG, NW Fuller, CR Hranac, DTS Hayman, LP McGuire, KJO Norquay, KA Silas, CKR Willis, RK Plowright, SH Olson (2019) Incorporating evaporative water loss into bioenergetic models of hibernation to test influence of host and pathogen traits on white-nose syndrome. PLOS ONE 14(10):e022231
Fuller, NW, CG Haase, KA Silas, SH Olson, LP McGuire (2019) First reported case of diphallia in Corynorhinus townsendii. Western North American Naturalist 79(3):454-457
Haase, CG, NW Fuller, CR Hranac, DTS Hayman, SH Olson, RK Plowright, LP McGuire (2019) Bats are not squirrels: revisiting the assumptions of costs of cooling in hibernating mammals. Journal of Thermal Biology 81:185-193
Yang, A, JP Gomez, CG Haase, KM Proffitt, JK Blackburn (2019) Effects of Brucellosis serological status on physiological conditions and behavioral mechanisms of Southwestern Montana Elk. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 55(2):304-315
Haase, CG, RJ Fletcher, Jr DH Slone, JP Reid, SM Butler (2017) Landscape complementation revealed through bipartite networks: the Florida manatee. Landscape Ecology 32:1999-2014
Slone, DH, SM Butler, JP Reid, CG Haase (2017) Timing of warm water refuge use in Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge by manatees—results and insights from Global Positioning System telemetry data. US Geological Survey Open-File Report
Hayward, A, M Pajuelo, CG Haase, DM Anderson, JF Gillooly (2016) Common metabolic constraints on dive duration in endothermic and ectothermic vertebrates. PeerJ 4:e2569
Cross, PC, ES Almberg, CG Haase, PJ Hudson, S Maloney, M Metz, A Munn, P Nugent, O Putzeys, DR Stahler, AC Stewart, DW Smith (2016) Energetic costs of mange in Yellowstone wolves estimated from infrared thermography. Ecology 97(8):1938-1948
Haase, CG, AK Long, JF Gillooly (2016) Energetics of stress: Linking plasma cortisol levels to metabolic rate in mammals. Biology Letters 12(1):1-4
Haase, CG, HB Underwood (2013) Integrating thermal constraints into habitat suitability for moose in the Adirondack State Park, NY. Alces 49:49-64