Stephen Truhon
Adjunct Faculty
Psychological Science and Counseling
- truhons@apsu.edu
- 931-221-1452
- DO NOT USE - FC Education Ctr Room FC 203
I joined the faculty at Austin Peay State University in 2005 with responsibility for teaching psychology at Fort Campbell and the Clarksville campus. I regularly teach Developmental Psychology, Military Psychology, Introduction to Occupational Health Psychology, as well as Research Methods and Statistics and Measurement in I/O Psychology at the graduate level.
I received my bachelor's degree in psychology at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. I then went to Michigan State University, where I received my master's and doctoral degrees in psychology (emphasis in developmental psychology). I taught at Michigan State University, Valparaiso University, University of Wisconsin Center, and Winston-Salem State University (21 years!) before arriving at APSU.
My early work was in the area of developmental psychology. I published papers in the 1970s and 1980s on children's play and drawings and adolescents' values. In the 1990s, my interests began to change after I was accepted to participate in a summer research program at Armstrong Laboratory at Brooks Air Force Base in Texas.
As a result of this program, I researched such areas as job analysis and personnel selection. I spent four summers at Armstrong Laboratory. After the program ended, I found a similar program at the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI). I spent nine summers there, performing research on test construction, equal opportunity, and toxic leadership. I also spent one summer at Naval Personnel Research Studies and Technology researching operational stress.