- Center Publication Bookstore
- Out of Print Publications in electronic format (pdf)
Annotated Catalogue of Vascular Plants of LBL
The Ferns and Fern Allies of LBL
The Pond-Dwelling Vertebrates of LBL
Woodland Community: Curriculum Guide
Sinkholes in the Red River Watershed (Coming Soon)
Online Databases
Atlas of Amphibians in Tennessee
Atlas of Reptiles in Tennessee
Atlas of Vascular Plants for Tennessee
Zoology Museum Arctos Database for Birds, Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, & Mammals
Database of APSU Herbarium Collections
Published Symposium Proceedings
1st Symposium Proceedings (1988)
2nd Symposium Proceedings (1989)
3rd Symposium Proceedings (1990)
4th Symposium Proceedings (1991)
5th Symposium Proceedings (1993)
6th Symposium Proceedings (1995)
7th Symposium Proceedings (1997)
8th Symposium Proceedings (1999)
9th Symposium Proceedings (2001)
10th Symposium Proceedings (2003)
11th Symposium Proceedings (2005)
12th Symposium Proceedings (2007)