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Admission Standards Committee



7 Faculty (in the event a faculty member cannot participate in a meeting, the faculty member may designate his/her temporary replacement for that meeting from within the tenured or tenure track members of the faculty member’s college), Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Dual Enrollment, Representative from Enrollment Management and Academic Support, Assistant Provost and University Registrar, Executive Director of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships, Director of Graduate Admissions & Recruitment, and Vice President for Student Affairs.

Terms of Service:

Faculty members will serve a three-year term and can serve two consecutive terms. When consecutive terms have been served, a three-year break must occur before serving again.


The committee has the responsibility to review applications of students who do not meet the stated admission requirements for the university. The committee may waive certain aspects of the admission requirements and admit no more than 10% of all accepted students. The committee will review the progress of these students and will recommend full admission status when they have satisfactorily completed the stipulations for conditionally admitted students. The appellate source for further consideration after the University Admissions and Standards Committee is the Assistant Provost for Enrollment Management or such other person as the president may designate. The committee will meet at least once at the beginning of each semester and may meet other times as needed. The Director of Undergradate Admissions and Dual Enrollment will serve as a non-voting chair of the committee.

Please Note, this committee is active during the summer months. 

(Approver: Provost/SVPAA)

2024-2025 Membership

Name Title Department/Area Service Term**
Jennis Biser Faculty, CoB Accounting, Finance & Economics 2022-2025
Jenny Pappas Faculty, CoBHS Nursing 2024-2027
Allison Oliver Faculty, CoE Educational Specialties 2023-2026
Eugene Donev Faculty, CoSTEM Physics, Engineering, and Astronomy 2024-2027
Spencer Prewitt Faculty, CoAL Music 2019-2025
Emily Hanna Crane Faculty, CoAL Music 2023-2026
Saeid Samadidana Faculty, CoSTEM Computer Science and Information Technology 2024-2027
Patrice Cheatham Associate Registrator
(Enrollment Management and Academic Support Representative)
Office of the Registrar 2023-2026
Tyler Brown, Chair* Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Dual Enrollment Admissions Permanent
Ex officio
Felicia Nagel Assistant Provost and University Registrar Office of the Registrar Permanent
Randi Robinson Executive Director, Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Student Financial Aid Permanent

Megan Mitchell Director of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment Graduate Studies Permanent

Leonard Clemons Vice President for Student Affairs  Student Affairs Permanent

* Serves as non-voting convening Chair