Athletic Committee
Membership: 6 Faculty, 3 Administrative/Professional staff outside athletics, 2 ex officio (director of athletics and senior woman administrator in athletics), Director of Equal Opportunity and Compliance, 4 students recommended by the Vice President and Director of Athletics, Faculty Athletics Representative.
Description: The committee will regularly review issues associated with the welfare of student athletes participating in intercollegiate athletics in ASUN and NCAA sports to ensure that the University and the Athletics Department maintain the proper balance between participation in athletics and academic achievement. The committee will prepare an annual report and other reports as needed, advising the president and the faculty senate of the athletic department’s performance with respect to its academic and athletic goals and with respect to the welfare of the student-athletes participating in ASUN and NCAA sports. The committee will communicate the concerns of student-athletes participating in intercollegiate athletics to the faculty senate and the university community, including the athletics department, the university administration, academic departments, the faculty as a whole, and other groups as warranted.
NCAA Division I Manual Composition. Administration and/or faculty staff members shall constitute at least a majority of the board in control of athletics or an athletics advisory board, irrespective of the president or chancellor’s responsibility and authority or whether the athletics department is financed in whole or in part by student fees. If the board has a parliamentary requirement necessitating more than a simple majority in order to transact some or all of its business, then the administrative and faculty members shall be of sufficient number to constitute at least that majority. (Revised: 3/8/06).
(Approver: Vice President and Athletic Director)
2024-2025 Membership
Name | Title | Department/Area | Service Term |
William Russell Longhurst | Faculty, CoSTEM | Physics, Engineering, and Astronomy | 2024-2027 |
Christopher Wright | Faculty, CoBHS | Criminal Justice | 2022-2025 |
Kathy Heuston | Faculty, CoAL | Communication | 2022-2025 |
John McConnell | Faculty, CoE | Educational Specialties | 2023-2026 |
Susan Cockrell | Faculty, CoB | Accounting, Finance, and Economics | 2022-2025 |
John Schnettler | Faculty, CoAL | Music | 2023-2026 |
Walt Lord | Vice President for Military and Veterans Affairs (Administrative/Professional Staff) | Miltary and Veterans Affairs | 2024-2025 |
Brad Averitt | Assistant Vice President Almuni and Engagement (Administrative/Professional Staff) | Alumni and Annual Giving | 2024-2025 |
Lenora Jackson | Executive Office Assistant (Administrative/Professional Staff) | President's Office | 2024-2025 |
Gerald Harrison | Vice President and Director of Athletics | Athletics | Permanent ex officio |
Niesha Campbell | Deputy Director of Athletics/Chief Operating Officer (Senior Woman Administrator) |
Athletics | Permanent ex officio |
Sheila Bryant | Director of Equal Opportunity and Compliance | Office of Institutional Culture | Permanent |
Isaac Haney | Student | Student Affairs | 2024-2025 |
Asia Fontana | Student | Student Affairs | 2024-2025 |
Gabrielle Miller | Student | Student Affairs | 2024-2025 |
Erica Scutt | Student | Student Affairs | 2024-2025 |
Jennifer Thayer, Chair | Faculty, CoB (Faculty Athletic Representative) |
Accounting, Finance, and Economics | Permanent |