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Emergency Management Committee


Membership: 1 member from each of the following areas:  Physical Plant, Public Safety, Information Technology, University Facilities, Representative from Legal Affairs, Student Affairs, Executive Director Fort Campbell Center, 1 Faculty Representative, 1 Staff Representative, and 1 Student Representative. The Director of Emergency Management will serve as permanent chair.

Description: The committee has the responsibility to analyze emergency management initiatives and evaluate their effectiveness for emergency preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation. The committee will review emergency plans and send recommendations for revisions or changes to the Assistant Vice President for Public Safety and the Vice President from Finance and Administration. The purview of the committee shall be limited to emergency management and business continuity planning.

(Approver: Vice President for Finance and Administration)

2024-2025 Membership:

Name Title Department/Area Service Term
Tom Hutchins Executive Director
(Physical Plant)
Physical Plant 2023-2026
Aaron Liveri Corporal Public Safety 2023-2026
Stephanie Taylor Director, Information Technology Security Information Technology 2023-2026
Andy Kean Senior Director
(University Facilities)
Morgan University Center and Events Services 2023-2026
Hannah Eden Interim Executive Director
(Legal Affairs)
Public Relations 2023-2026
Joe Mills Executive Director
(Student Affairs)
Housing Administration 2023-2026
Ben Drummond Executive Director Fort Campbell Center 2023-2026
Andrew Kostakis Faculty, CoAL Faculty Senate Representative 2023-2026
Kat Bailey Director of Strategic Initiatives
Legal Affairs 2024-2025
Rylie Morris Student Student Affairs 2024-2025
Kristie Winters Interim Police Chief Emergency Management Permanent