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Research Council

Membership: The Research Council (RC) is chaired by the Vice Provost and Dean of the College of Graduate Studies and is comprised of representatives from each academic college (2 CoB, 2 CoE, 3 CoAL, 3 CoBHS, 3 CoSTEM), a representative from Faculty Senate, a representative from the Library, a representative from the Student Government Association, and a representative from Office of Student Research & Innovation. At least one of the representatives from each academic college should have strong affiliations with a graduate program within the college. Only faculty representatives will have voting privileges.

Description: The Research Council (RC) monitors the research environment of APSU and deliberates additions and amendments to policies/regulations/guidelines impacting research activities and/or APSU employees engaged in research. The RC may initiate studies that are concerned with the welfare of research and advises the University in matters concerning research. The RC may engage in additional responsibilities as determined by the RC chairperson.

(Approver: Provost/SVPAA)

2024-2025 Membership:

Name Title Department/Area Service Term*
Chad Brooks, Chair Dean

Vice Provost and Dean College of Graduate Studies Permanent
Florian Gargaillo Faculty, CoAL Languages & Literature 2024-2026
Jamie Bowen Faculty, CoAL Communications 2024-2027
McLean Fahnestock Faculty, CoAL Art+Design 2024-2027
Pilski Choi Faculty, CoB Management and Marketing 2024-2025
Elif Demiral Saglam Faculty, CoB Accounting, Economics, and Finance 2024-2025
Daniel McKelvey Faculty, CoBHS Psychological Science and Counseling 2024-2026
Brandon Di Paolo Harrison Faculty, CoB Accounting, Finance, and Economics 2024-2027
Misty Ring-Remirez Faculty, CoBHS Sociology and Community Development 2024-2026
Lori Allen Faculty, CoE Teaching and Learning 2024-2025
Joanna Zimmerle Faculty, CoE Educational Specialties 2024-2026
Rebecca Johansen Faculty, CoSTEM Biology 2024-2027
Brad Fox Faculty, CoSTEM Mathematics and Statistics 2024-2026
Md Ali Haider Faculty, CoSTEM Engineering Technology 2024-2027
Nancy Gibson Faculty, Library Faculty, Library 2024-2026
Amy Wright Director, Office of Student Research and Innovation Languages and Literature 2024-2027
Soma Banerjee Faculty Senate Representative Faculty Senate 2024-2025
Jackson Carter Student Student Affairs 2024-2025