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Student Academic Suspension Appeal Committee

Membership: Academic Department Chairs and 1 ex officio (Assistant Provost and University Registrar).

Description: The committee, which will be structured into three subcommittees with one designated for the Fort Campbell program, will address questions related to student appeals for the waiver of policies relative to suspension. At the beginning of each term, the committee will meet and make decisions relative to student requests to waive the rules of suspension. The committee will review each appeal and render a decision. The decision of the committee is final.

Please Note, this committee may meet during the summer.

(Approver: Provost/SVPAA) 

2024-2025 Membership:

Name Title Department/Area Service Term*
McLean Fahnestock Department Chair Art + Design Permanent
Rob Baron Department Chair Communication Permanent
Kevin Tanner Department Chair History and Philosophy Permanent
Bea Brockman Department Chair Languages and Literature Permanent
Kristen Sieniewicz Department Chair Music Permanent
Dale Pickard Department Chair Theatre and Dance Permanent
Scott Culhane Department Chair Criminal Justice Permanent
Tim Leszczak  Department Chair Health and Human Performance Permanent
Melissa Kates Department Chair Leadership Permanent
John Phillips Department Chair Political Science and Public Management Permanent
Nicole Knickmeyer Department Chair Psychological Science and Counseling Permanent
Mary Eve Rice Department Chair Nursing Permanent
Jonniann Butterfield Department Chair Sociology and Community Development Permanent
Jonniann Butterfield Interim,Department Chair Social Work Permanent
Don Nyonna Department Chair Accounting, Finance, and Economics Permanent
Tim Self Department Chair Management and Marketing Permanent
John McConell Department Chair Educational Specialties Permanent
Cheryl Lambery Department Chair Teaching and Learning Permanent
Don Sudbrink Department Chair Agriculture Permanent
Perry Scanlan Department Chair Alled Health Science Permanent
Amy Thompson Department Chair Biology Permanent
Lisa Sullivan Department Chair Chemistry Permanent
Leong Lee Department Chair Computer Science and Information Technology Permanent
Ravi Manimaran Department Chair Engineering Technology Permanent
Chris Gentry Department Chair Earth and Environmental Sciences Permanent
Jackie Vogel Department Chair Mathematics and Statistics Permanent
Alex King Department Chair Physics, Engineering, and Astronomy Permanent
Felicia Nagel, Chair Assistant Provost and University Registrar Office of the Registrar Permanent
ex officio