Jacob Knight
“I knew I wanted to be here and be a Gov. I wasn’t joining a university I was joining a family.”
Major: Business Management
Hometown: Bristol, Tennessee
Involvement: Future Business Leaders of America, Governor's Own Marching Band, Sigma Phi Epsilon,
Resident Assistant, Hall Council Adviser
Jacob Knight’s mother encouraged him to tour of Austin Peay State University but a meeting with the Governors’ Own Marching Band (GOMB) Director John Schnettler cemented Knight as a future Governor.
“I knew I wanted to be here and be a Gov,” Knight said. “I wasn’t joining a university I was joining a family.”

Knight – who hails from Bristol, Tennessee – is set to graduate in 2022 as a business management major.
He’s already made his mark on campus.
Knight is the founder and president of Austin Peay’s Future Business Leaders of America Phi Beta Lambda chapter. He also plays clarinet for GOMB, is a resident assistant, a hall council adviser and dedicated member of Sigma Phi Epsilon.
“Austin Peay has allowed me the opportunity to be involved with many groups on campus,” Knight said. “It has allowed me to continue my hobby as a clarinet player in manner that allows me to also support my fellow students at the University.”
Austin Peay has helped Knight grow as a leader by becoming more independent and solution driven. He has learned to try and solve problems by himself, rather than seeking help from a mentor.
Knight is heavily involved in APSU’s College of Business, including attending trips to Memphis to meet alumni.
“It allows me the opportunity to see what I can expect when I graduate,” he said. “It is fuel for me to excel in everything I do at Austin Peay so that one day I can also be that same fuel for future Governors down the road.”
Check out the Governor's Own Marching Band's performance from the 2019 Bands of America Championships. Performance begins at 3:30.