Associate of Science in University Studies Degree
Austin Peay offers high school students the opportunity to complete an Associate Degree while in high school. This can be accomplished in four ways:
- Completely online
- On campus
- A combination of on campus and online
- A combination of online and at the student’s high school.
The Associate of Science University Studies degree requires 42 credit hours of core requirements and 18 hours of electives. It is hoped that students can complete many of the 18 elective hours in their intended major; the dual enrollment office will work with students, parents, and counselors to ensure students enroll in viable courses.
Although it is possible to complete the Associate Degree in high school, students would need to take an average of 10 hours per semester (three to four classes), including the summer after their sophomore year and the summer after their junior year. Depending on the student’s previous high school courses, courses taken would count for high school and college credits or college credits only.
Any previously earned college credits through a regionally accredited institution should transfer to APSU and count toward the hours required for the Associate Degree. Advance Placement scores must meet APSU requirements to be included; scores would need to be received directly from the College Board.
Curriculum Guide
Summer classes are typically held on APSU's campus and/or online. Please note that courses are dependent upon instructor availability and may be subject to change. Students can participate in only online classes during the summer; note that summer classes are already accelerated, and for a student who is new to college classes, it is an undertaking to take them all online.