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Research Council 


     The Research Council (RC) monitors the research environment of APSU and deliberates additions and amendments to policies/regulations/guidelines impacting research activities and/or APSU employees engaged in research. The RC may initiate studies that are concerned with the welfare of research and advises the University in matters concerned research. The RC may engage in additional responsibilities as determined by the RC chairperson. 


     The RC is chaired by the Associate Provost for Research and is comprised of representatives from each college (2 CoB, 2 CoE, 3 CoAL, 3 CoBHS, and 3 CoSTEM), a representative from Faculty Senate, a representative from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP), a representative from the Library, and a representative from the Office of Student Research and Innovation. At least one of the representatives from each college should have strong affiliations with a graduate program within the college. Only faculty representatives will have voting privileges. 

2023-2024 Research Council Meetings



Research Council Members

Kelly Pitts
Research Council Coordinator


College Membership

Dr. Florian Gargaillo gargaillof@apsu.edu CoAL Languages and Literature
Dr. Jamie Bowen bowenjl@apsu.edu CoAL Communications 
Dr. McLean Fahnestock fahnestockm@apsu.edu CoAL Art + Design
Dr. Pilski Choi choip@apsu.edu CoB Management
Dr. Elif Demiral Saglam demiralsaglame@apsu.edu CoB Accounting
Dr. Daniel McKelvey mckelveyd@apsu.edu CoBHS Psy/Counseling
Dr. Harold Young youngh@apsu.edu CoBHS Political Science
Dr. Misty Ring-Ramirez ringramirezm@apsu.edu CoBHS Sociology
Dr. Joanna Zimmerle zimmerlej@apsu.edu CoE Ed Specialties
Dr. James Thompson thompsonj@apsu.edu CoE Ed Specialties
Dr. Allison Oliver olivera@apsu.edu CoE Teaching and Learning
Dr. Dwayne Estes estesl@apsu.edu CoSTEM Biology
Dr. MD Ali Haider haiderm@apsu.edu CoSTEM ENGT
Dr. Chad Brooks (*Chair) brooksc@apsu.edu   Associate Provost
Dr. Nancy Gibson gibsonn@apsu.edu LIB Library
Dr. Brad Fox foxb@apsu.edu CoSTEM Mathematics and Statistics



Faculty Senate Rep

Harry Young youngh@apsu.edu Faculty Senate Distance Learning



Student Rep

Jackson Carter kjcarter57@my.apsu.edu Student  




Dr. Buzz Hoon hoonb@apsu.edu CoAL
Dr. Mickey Hepner hepnerm@apsu.edu CoB 
Dr. Dlynn Williams  williamsda@apsu.edu CoBHS
Dr. Prentice Chandler chandlerp@apsu.edu CoE
Dr. Karen Meisch meischk@apsu.edu CoSTEM



Affiliated Units

Tucker Brown brownt@apsu.edu Senior Vice Provost and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Megan Mitchell mitchellm@apsu.edu COGS, Director
Anna Carrie Webb webba@apsu.edu Distance Learning, Director
David Davenport davenportdl@apsu.edu Assistant Vice President of Health & Wellbeing
Ben Drummond drummondb@apsu.edu FCC, Director
Stefan Woltmann woltmanns@apsu.edu IACUC, Chair
Leonard Clemon clemonsl@apsu.edu VP Student Affairs
Harold Young youngh@apsu.edu IRB, Chair
Martina Malvasi malvasim@apsu.edu LIB, Director
Tim Atkinson atkinsont@apsu.edu ORSP, Director
Tim Atkinson atkinsont@apsu.edu OSRI, Director
Loretta Griffy griffyl@apsu.edu Dean, University College
Amy Corlew corlewa@apsu.edu UG Admissions, Executive Director
Tammy Bryant bryantt@apsu.edu  Student Affairs
Jennifer Malotte malottej@apsu.edu  Campus IT