Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
The Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology offers two concentrations: Exercise Science and Pre-professional. Both concentrations will prepare students to sit for the Exercise Physiologist Certification through the American College of Sports Medicine, the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist test through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and prepare students for graduate study in Kinesiology or Exercise Science.
The Pre-professional concentration will prepare students to apply for entry into professional programs such as Physical Therapy (PT), Occupational Therapy (OT), and/or Athletic Training. Students who are interested in the Pre-professional concentration will have to satisfy the criteria below:
- Earned at least 30 undergraduate hours.
- Earned at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
- Earned at least a B or higher in Math 1530.
- Earned at least a B or higher in Biology 2010/2011.
Students will also have speak with one of the advisors for the Pre-professional concentration (Dr. Grayson Elmore, Dr. Amanda Estep, Dr. Tim Leszczak).
For information related to the course offerings and descriptions, please visit the undergraduate bulletin.
Careers in Kinesiology
The BS in Kinesiology prepares students for work in multiple settings. The list below shows some of the opportunities available (please note that some jobs will require additional schooling and/or certification).
- Athletic Trainer
- Personal Trainer
- Physical therapist
- Director/Assistant Direction of Fitness/Wellness in Campus Recreation
- Occupational Therapist
- Industry Worker (i.e. work for a fitness company...Biodex, Cybex, CosMed, etc.)
- Strength and Conditioning Coach
- Wellness Coach
Professional Organization for Kinesiology:
Getting involved in a national organization is very important for undergraduate students, whether it be through a student membership, presenting research at a conference, or becoming certified. Click the link below to find out more about the American College of Sports Medicine and/or the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
Other Career/Job Related Information:
APSU Office of Career Services
Job Opportunities in Tennessee
Overview of Bureau of Labor Statistics data by area and occupation
US News and World Report Exceptional Allied Health Degrees and Certificate Programs
Pope, J., Helwig, K., Morrison, S., Estep, A., Caswell, S.V., Ambegaonkar, J.P., & Cortes, N. (2019). Multifactorial exercise and dance- based interventions are effective in reducing falls risk in community-dwelling older adults: A comparison study. Gait & Posture. 70, 370-375.
Elmore, G. (2018). Incorporating training load monitoring into fitness programming: A review of practical tools for fitness providers. Personal Trainer Quarterly, 5(1), 28-31.
Elmore, G. (2017). Resistance training and reverse total shoulder replacement: Considerations
for prosthesis and client safety. Personal Trainer Quarterly, 4(2), 50-54.
Leszczak, T., & Elmore, G. (2017). Sample lumbopelvic hip complex strengthening program.
Personal Trainer Quarterly, 4(1), 42-54.
Leszczak, T. J. & Henning, L. (2016). Improving gait mechanics using high velocity resistance training. Personal Trainer Quarterly, 3(3).
Leszczak, T. J., Dey, D., & Crusinberry, H. (2016). High altitude masks: Early Adaptations in maximal oxygen uptake. Poster session presented at the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, Greenville, SC.
Godwin, M. M., Hopson, R. M., Newman, C. K., & Leszczak, T. J. (2014). The effect of music as a motivational tool on isokinetic concentric performance in college aged students. International Journal of Exercise Science, 7(1), 54-61.
Watson, S. R., Walker, E. A., Gregg, D. I., & Leszczak, T. J. (2014). Differences in caloric expenditure between Xbox Kinect sports boxing and striking a punching bag. Poster session presented at the meeting of Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, Greenville, SC.
Gregg, D. I., Walker, E. A., Eaton, K. M., Cornea, A., Finley, S. D., Hull, C.,…Leszczak, T. J. (2014). Differences in maximal oxygen consumption between crossfitters and runners. Poster session presented at the meeting of Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, Greenville, SC.
Godwin, M. M., Hopson, R. M., Newman, C. K., & Leszczak, T. J. (2013, February). The effect of music as a motivational tool on isokinetic concentric performance in adult males and females. Poster session presented at the meeting of Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, Greenville, SC.
Eaton, K. M., Mitchell, S. B., Godwin, M. M., Gregg, D. I., Nalley, J. E., …Leszczak, T. J., (2013, February). Effect of gender and stretching on isokinetic force output. Poster session presented at the meeting of Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, Greenville, SC.
Gregg, D. I., Godwin, M. M., Eaton, K. M., Mitchell, S. B., Nalley, J. E., …Leszczak, T. J., (2013, February). Effect of gender and stretching on ham/quad ratios in college-age adults. Poster session presented at the meeting of Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, Greenville, SC.
Sinka, A. K., Walker, E. A., Eaton, K. M., Godwin, M. M., Gregg, D. I., Mitchell, S. B.,…Leszczak, T. J., (2013, February). Differences between two types of stretching protocols on isokinetic force output. Poster session presented at the meeting of Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, Greenville, SC.
Leszczak, T. J., Henning, L. A., Hart, S. M., & Trotter, T. G. (2012, June). Improving measures of stride length using a high velocity resistance training program. Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise, 44(5).
PT/OT/AT Information
Job Information:
Job Opportunities in Tennessee:
Overview of Bureau of Labor Statistics data by area and occupation:
Department of Health Professional Boards:
Tennessee Board of Physical Therapy:
Tennessee Board of Occupational Therapy:
Tennessee Board of Physician Assistants:
Physical Therapy Programs in Tennessee:
Belmont University PT program:
East Tennessee State University PT program:
Tennessee State University PT program:
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga PT program:
University of Tennessee Health Science Center (Memphis) PT program:
Occupational Therapy Programs in Tennessee:
Belmont University OT program:
University of Tennessee at Memphis OT program:
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga OT program:
Milligan College OT program:
Tennessee State University OT program:
Athletic Training Program Information:
National Organization:
Tennessee Athletic Trainers Society (TATS):
Southeast Athletic Trainers Association (Southern States):
List of Accredited Entry-Level Masters Programs:°ree_type=2