Current Residents Resources
Managing Roommate Conflicts
You can meet some of your best friends through being roommates, but it is important to be able to communicate effectively in order to get the best results out of any situation that may arise between you and your roommates. Always remember that there is staff available to assist you with any concerns or problems you have. The following tips will also help prevent/ease tension between roommates:
Make sure to fill out the Roommate Agreement Form during the 1st week of moving to a new room.. You will need to sit down with your roommate(s) and discuss the topics on the form and come to a mutual agreement. Sign the form together. You may get this form by contacting your Hall Director.
After you completing the agreement you may find that there are some things that you would like to change on the form with you and your roommate(s). You can always go back to the form and change it.
If there is a problem, make sure to always talk to the person about what is wrong and how you feel. Address the problem and not the person. Also, make sure to not get other parties involved in the conflict.