Dr. Tasha Hart-Mrema
Human Resource Development Specialist and Supporting Faculty
Austin Peay State University
I-O Psychology at APSU
I received my doctorate from the University of Minnesota in Organizational Leadership,
Policy, and Development with a concentration in Human Resource. I am also an alumna
of APSU's MSIO program and I maintain roots as an I-O psychologist. I greatly enjoy
consulting with others to meet the practical demands of daily work life.
My primary research interests are centered around corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethical businesses practices in all situations, contexts, and scenarios. Other interests include worker wellbeing, training & development, digital business structures/functions, and organizational culture. My preferred research methodology aligns with mixed or multi-method approaches that employ quantitative and qualitative methods for understanding complex issues.
Research Interests
- Corporate social responsibility
- Environmental sustainability
- Policy development & technical communication
- Ethical leadership
- Organization & entrepreneur development