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Faculty and Staff

Name Title Phone Email Department Location/Office PO Box Faculty/Staff
Meghan Berindean Berindean, Meghan Associate Professor 931-221-7632 berindeanm@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 218 PO Box 4625 Faculty
Razvan Berindean Berindean, Razvan Enrollment Coordinator 931-221-1619 berindeanr@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 139 PO Box 4625 Staff
Marybeth Brand Brand, Marybeth Temporary Employee brandm@apsu.edu Music Staff
Michael Chandler Chandler, Michael Associate Professor 931-221-7646 chandlermd@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 213 PO Box 4625 Faculty
Zach Cheever Cheever, Zach Visiting Assistant Professor 931-221-7808 cheeverz@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 162 PO BOX 4625 Faculty
Bo Clayton Clayton, Bo Adjunct Faculty claytong@apsu.edu Music Faculty
Jan Corrothers Corrothers, Jan Accompanist 931-221-6248 corrothersj@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 314 PO Box 4625 Staff
Emily Hanna Crane Crane, Emily Hanna Professor 931-221-6262 cranee@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 219 PO Box 4625 Faculty
Sara Crigger Crigger, Sara Adjunct Faculty 931-221-7818 criggers@apsu.edu Music PO Box 4625 Faculty
Diana Dunn Dunn, Diana Adjunct Faculty dunnd@apsu.edu Music Faculty
Lauren Edmonds Edmonds, Lauren Assistant Professor 931-221-7103 edmondsl@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 320 PO BOX 4625 Faculty
Korre Foster Foster, Korre Professor 931-221-7002 fosterk@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 137 PO Box 4625 Faculty
Michelle Fraley Fraley, Michelle Academic Assistant to the Chair 931-221-7818 fraleym@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 139 PO Box 4625 Staff
Tim Hagen Hagen, Tim Visiting Assistant Professor 931-221-7684 hagent@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 220 PO BOX 4625 Faculty
Patricia Halbeck Halbeck, Patricia Professor 931-221-7636 halbeckp@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 315 PO Box 4625 Faculty
Lucas Hopkins Hopkins, Lucas Adjunct Faculty hopkinsl@apsu.edu Music Faculty
Colin Isotti Isotti, Colin Adjunct Faculty isottic@apsu.edu Music Faculty
Mackenzie Kelly Kelly, Mackenzie Assistant Technical Director kellym@apsu.edu Music Meacham Apartments MA Staff
Min Sang Kim Kim, Min Sang Assistant Professor 931-221-7656 kimm@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 321 PO BOX 4625 Faculty
Simone Parker Parker, Simone Temporary Employee 931-221-6848 parkersa@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 370 PO Box 4448 Faculty and Staff
John Powers Powers, John Adjunct Faculty powersjp@apsu.edu Music Faculty
Spencer Prewitt Prewitt, Spencer Associate Professor 931-221-7631 prewitts@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 222 PO Box 4625 Faculty
Andrew Richardson Richardson, Andrew Assistant Professor 931-221-7033 richardsona@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 161 PO BOX 4625 Faculty
Nathan Robertson Robertson, Nathan Technical Director robertsonn@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC Concert Hall PO Box 4625 Staff
John Schnettler Schnettler, John Professor 931-221-6820 schnettlerj@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 163 PO Box 4625 Faculty
Jacob Schnitzer Schnitzer, Jacob Instructor schnitzerj@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 150 PO BOX 4625 Faculty
Lydia Schoonover Schoonover, Lydia Adjunct Faculty 931-221-7818 schoonoverl@apsu.edu Music PO Box 4625 Faculty and Staff
Penelope Shumate Shumate, Penelope Associate Professor 931-221-7810 shumatep@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 320 PO BOX 4625 Faculty
Kristen Sienkiewicz Sienkiewicz, Kristen Professor 931-221-7811 sienkiewiczk@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 215 PO Box 4625 Faculty
Ann Silverberg Silverberg, Ann Professor 931-221-7644 silverberga@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 213 PO Box 4625 Faculty
Luke Simonson Simonson, Luke Adjunct Faculty simonsonl@apsu.edu Music Faculty
Susan Smith Smith, Susan Adjunct Faculty 931-221-7824 smithsu@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 221 PO Box 4625 Faculty
Lim Tchoi Tchoi, Lim Temporary Employee tchoil@apsu.edu Music Faculty and Staff
Bobbie Textor Textor, Bobbie Temporary Employee textorb@apsu.edu Music Faculty and Staff
Robert Waugh Waugh, Robert Professor 931-221-7640 waughr@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 216 PO Box 4625 Faculty
Jeffrey Williams Williams, Jeffrey Associate Professor 931-221-7648 williamsjj@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 322 PO Box 4625 Faculty
Lisa Wolynec Wolynec, Lisa Adjunct Faculty 931-221-7684 wolynecl@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 220 PO Box 4625 Faculty
Jeffrey Wood Wood, Jeffrey Professor 931-221-7819 woodj@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 313 PO Box 4625 Faculty
Stanley Yates Yates, Stanley Professor 931-221-7351 yatess@apsu.edu Music Music Mass Comm Bldg MMC 213 PO Box 4625 Faculty
 Music 931-221-7818 Music MMC 139 PO Box 4625
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