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Request an Audition for Graduate Programs in Music

An accompanist will be provided only if applicants provide music at least two weeks prior to the audition. Please email pdf copies of audition music to corrothersj@apsu.edu and fosterk@apsu.edu.  If providing music in hard copy, please send them to:

Staff Accompanist: 
Jan Corrothers
APSU Music Department
PO BOX 4625
Clarksville, TN 37044

(931) 221-6248


To proceed with scheduling your audition, please complete the online form below.

Intended Concentration*
I intend to enter as a*
Have you applied for admission to APSU*
To apply for admission to the APSU College of Graduate Studies click here.
Audition Dates (select one)*
Indicate an alternate date only if you have made prior arrangements with your prospective professor.
Do you need an accompanist?*
An accompanist will be provided only if applicants provide music at least two weeks prior to the audition. Please email pdf copies of audition music to corrothersj@apsu.edu and fosterk@apsu.edu.  If providing music in hard copy, please send them to:

Staff Accompanist: 
Jan Corrothers
APSU Music Department
PO BOX 4625
Clarksville, TN 37044
After submitting your request, you will be notified of the date, time and location of your audition.
OPTIONAL SURVEY: How did you learn about APSU Music? (Check all boxes that apply)