APSU’s College of Arts and Letters recognizes six student leaders
(Posted April 20, 2023)
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. - Faculty, students and their families gathered at Austin Peay State University’s Heydel Hall on Wednesday, April 19 to celebrate the College of Arts and Letters’ student leaders with an awards ceremony.
The inaugural College of Arts and Letters Student Leadership Award was designed to recognize outstanding undergraduate leaders in the college. Recipients were chosen based on their leadership skills and support of others inside and outside the classroom. Six students, one representing each department in the college, were presented with trophies by faculty members in their respective departments, followed by a reception in the Art + Design Building.
In addition to the trophies, each student’s name will be added to a plaque displayed in Harned Hall, near the College of Arts and Letters dean’s office. Winners included: Alexander Copenhaver-Pounds, Department of History & Philosophy; Ciara Simmons, Department of Music; Rheanne Bouchard, Department of Art+ Design; Ashley Mathieson, Department of Languages & Literature; Justin “JJ” Gibson, Department of Theatre & Dance; and Bailey Gower, Department of Communication.
“It's always inspiring to see young people taking leadership roles and making positive contributions to their community,” said Dr. William “Buzz” Hoon, Dean of the College of Arts and Letters. “I wish them all the best for their future endeavors and hope that they continue to make a difference in the world. Each student leaves a bit of themselves here and by putting their names on a plaque, we want to let them know we won’t forget their contributions. Austin Peay will always be home to our students. We look forward to continuing this award and recognizing student leaders in our college at the end of each academic year.”