Winter storms and warm welcomes: Iowa native Alexis Bisbee finds second home at APSU
By: Ethan Steinquest December 16, 2024

Sophomore nursing major Alexis Bisbee, originally from Iowa, has found a home away from home at Austin Peay State University. | Photo by Ally Shemwell
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. - When a series of snowstorms left sophomore nursing major Alexis Bisbee stranded in her Iowa hometown during last year’s winter break, three friends she met at Austin Peay State University just five months earlier stepped up without hesitation.
The group made an eight-hour round trip through harsh weather to meet Bisbee’s uncle halfway, ensuring she could return to campus in time for her first day of spring classes. Her experience was one of many reminders that she had found a second home at APSU.
“It warmed my heart, especially since I’d only known them for a short time and they were willing to do something so important for me,” Bisbee said. “I’m very happy to have found a group of people like that. We were blasting music, catching up about what we did on break, and having a great time the entire way back.”
Bisbee didn’t expect to build those friendships so quickly, but she had planned for years to move out of state for college.
“I chose Tennessee after I went on a family vacation here in my sophomore year of high school,” she said. “We went to Nashville and saw Broadway, which was amazing because I’ve always liked country music, and we visited more nature-based areas like Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge. I really liked the environment of Tennessee.”
After researching local colleges, Bisbee decided on APSU because of its welcoming campus environment and scholarship opportunities for out-of-state students.
“One of my goals was to branch out in college, and the people here have helped me step into that and introduced me to so many different opportunities,” she said. “I’m still at my core an introverted person, but I’ve become more comfortable going up to others and making new friends and connections.”
Bisbee is an active member of Alpha Gamma Delta and was recently elected vice president of recruitment. She previously coordinated her chapter’s fundraising efforts as vice president of philanthropy.
“We raised a lot of money this semester for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation, which goes toward fighting hunger,” she said. “That was one of the big things that drew me to the sorority, because I worked previously with a food bank and that’s something I’m passionate about.”
Bisbee’s dedication to making a difference extends to her nursing studies, and she hopes to become an operating room nurse after graduation.
“I was about 12 when I knew I wanted to pursue a career in healthcare,” she said. “At first, I was fascinated with learning how the body worked and memorizing all the bones, but as I’ve gotten older and recognized my emotions I’ve also realized how much I want to help people.”
Originally a biology major on a pre-medicine pathway, Bisbee was inspired to switch to nursing after watching professionals in her hometown at work.
“I did a job shadow back home over the summer with several OR nurses and saw what their daily lives were like,” she said. “I got to watch a couple of procedures and see what they do before, during, and after surgery … it was nice to see how these nurses built connections with their patients in such a short amount of time.”
Bisbee did the same at APSU, from getting involved in Greek life to helping with campus projects at Govs Print through the Federal Work Study Program. She also plans to connect with student organizations in the School of Nursing next semester.
“Being here alone was daunting at first, but I got along with my roommate and we met several different people together at different events,” Bisbee said. “I started slowly finding my group, and I felt fully settled in by October.”
Homecoming Week was a major turning point that helped Bisbee feel more connected to Austin Peay and introduced her to several campus traditions.
“The sororities play a big part in Homecoming, so that brought me closer to a bunch of the girls in my chapter and got me more actively involved on campus,” she said. “I’ve really enjoyed being in Tennessee and growing into the person that I am here.”
Bisbee is excited to continue her personal and professional development at APSU and eager to take on new opportunities next semester.
“My top priority is to get into the nursing program and keep pursuing my goal of being more outgoing and trying new things,” she said. “I want to see more of what campus has to offer and how I can give back to the community and Austin Peay.”