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APSU alumna has ‘surreal’ experience as crew member for HBO’s ‘Euphoria’

(Posted on Friday, Feb. 25, 2022)

Lynsie Cook

Popular television show “Euphoria” is all people can talk about today because of its openness on hard topics. Young people all over the country have immersed themselves in social media trends to feel a sense of involvement to the storyline.

While many dream of being involved with the show, Austin Peay State University graduate Lynsie Cook doesn’t have to. Cook works as a post-production assistant on the set of “Euphoria.” This season’s last episode premieres on Sunday, Feb. 27, on HBO.

“I support the editors and producers in the finishing processes of the show,” Cook said. “My job includes a lot of Excel spreadsheets.”

Cook’s job requires fine attention to detail, and she assists with edits involved in the final processes.

“Actor deletion and addition is a big thing I help with. We must pay attention to characters who were originally in an episode, and then their scene got cut,” Cook said. “I also help make sure names are spelled right.”

Cook’s job comes with endless learning opportunities. The people Cook works with are able to use narrative in a different way to tell a story about teenagers that isn’t the typical storyline of most television shows.

“The people I work with understand story in a way I could have never imagined,” Cook said. “Being able to be a part of those conversations and seeing how things change like music-wise, visual effects or even editing is so cool.”

Cook graduated from Austin Peay in 2018 and was thoroughly involved in the Department of Communication. Cook worked on APSU-TV where shows are student-led and -created.

“One thing I love about APSU’s Department of Communication is that they want you to succeed,” Cook said. “Whatever you want to do, the professors will make sure you get those opportunities.”

Cook in part attributes her success to Associate Professor Karen Bullis. Before Cook moved to Los Angeles to work on “Euphoria,” she was a graduate assistant at APSU. Cook felt this wasn’t the right choice and knew there was something greater out there for her. Bullis helped Cook decide.

“I spent so much time talking to Professor Bullis about what I should do,” Cook said. “Professor Bullis told me that there is no wrong choice, and everything is part of my journey post-grad life.”

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