APSU offers look at fall semester under COVID-19
What to expect this fall
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. – With the fall semester quickly approaching, Austin Peay State University recently provided additional information about what campus life will look like when classes resume this August. Most of this information, including Austin Peay’s COVID-19 Long Term Strategy, is available online at www.apsu.edu/coronavirus.
One of the main points reiterated in Friday’s announcement was that Austin Peay is following the Tennessee Pledge for Higher Education Institutions – an initiative designed to keep students, faculty, staff and visitors safe and healthy during this pandemic. While following this pledge, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) return to campus guidelines, the University will offer a mix of flexible course options that still provide a high-quality education to its students.
Class Delivery Options
This summer, Austin Peay faculty members have worked hard modifying classes to ensure several delivery options for students. Thanks to their efforts, the University can accommodate students who prefer classes on campus, online or a blend of options. Students can now decide which learning format best fits their personal situation.

To better serve all members of the APSU community during this pandemic, the University divided these delivery options into four categories. Those categories include:
- Traditional face-to-face classes.
- Traditional online courses offered in an asynchronous format (no specific days or times).
- Online courses to be delivered in a synchronous format (scheduled days and times).
- Hybrid courses with differing levels of face-to-face interactions and remote delivery modes.
Faculty and students participating in any face-to-face interactions must wear masks and adhere to social distancing requirements, as outlined by the CDC. Some classrooms will be reduced to 33-50% capacity, to allow for social distancing, while other classes will take place in larger venues to allow a full class to meet and be socially distant. Other classes may meet in-person for every session, while some instructors might incorporate recorded lectures and/or online components. Not all classes will be taught in the same manner, and instructors will employ the best approaches to achieving the goals of the course.
All APSU students are encouraged to go online and explore these increased options. As the start of the semester draws closer, the University will make additional announcements about hybrid class details that will be specific to the discipline, instructor and classroom size.
Changes to Academic Calendar
One of the biggest changes coming this August will be to the Clarksville campus’ Fall 2020 Academic Calendar. In-person and online classes will still begin on Aug. 24, but under this new calendar, classes also will meet on Oct. 12-13 – previously designated as Austin Peay’s Fall Break – with the semester’s last day of face-to-face instruction being Wednesday, Nov. 25.

After the Thanksgiving holiday, the University will transition fully to remote learning for the semester’s final assignments and exams. The University will remain open and completely operational as normal until the end of the semester on Dec. 11. This will allow students their normal access to academic buildings, the library, student services and other programs during this time.
These changes do not apply to the Fall I or Fall II terms at Austin Peay’s Fort Campbell Center.
What else to expect this fall?
Many individuals have questions beyond classes, such as what will campus life be like this fall? Below, the University has provided a few answers to some frequently asked questions. Much of this information is also available on our coronavirus page, which is regularly updated.
- Do I have to wear a face mask? Yes, masks will be required on campus and must be worn inside any public areas. University officials are strongly encouraging also wearing masks when outside, especially in group settings. Anyone not wearing a mask may be asked to leave a building or area or put on their mask. Failure to comply could result in student or employee disciplinary actions.
- Will campus dining remain open? Dining venues will be open but will provide more online ordering, pickup and delivery options. Some amenities, like the salad bar and other cafeteria items, will no longer be self-service.
- Can I still live on campus? Housing will offer options for single and multiple-occupancy rooms and provide quarantine areas for students who test positive for COVID-19 and can’t return home.
- What will events, such as football games, look like? Currently, football games and other sporting events are being planned, but they will have reduced capacity crowds. However, specifics are still to be determined based on NCAA and OVC decisions.
- What happens if I’m sick and can’t attend classes or my on-campus job? Individuals need to reach out to their faculty member or supervisor immediately. APSU faculty, staff and administrators know this is a challenging time for everyone, and they will help campus members through this by providing the appropriate accommodations.
- If I have symptoms, what is expected? Anyone with symptoms needs to be tested and inform APSU Health Services by filling out the COVID-19 reporting form. They should also quarantine for 14 days or until they are symptom-free with a negative test result. Once they are symptom-free, they will need to fill out the COVID-19 reporting form to update their status. Why? This will provide important information to key staff and administration to help them manage the spread of COVID-19.
- Can things change? Austin Peay’s goal is to complete the semester as previously described, finishing face-to-face components by Thanksgiving and completing the last couple of weeks online, including finals. However, the University does have a comprehensive plan, allowing Austin Peay to easily adjust operations should a mandate from state or federal authorities force us to change operations.
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