APSU's President White to be named president of Sam Houston State University
On Thursday, June 18, APSU President Alisa White sent the following message to the campus community:
Dear Colleagues,
After six years of working with and on behalf of some of the most wonderful people we’ve ever known, Elliott and I will leave Austin Peay after commencement ceremonies in August to join Sam Houston State University in Texas if I am confirmed as president by the Texas State University System Board of Regents. While we both are excited about the opportunity to serve another student-focused institution and to live near our children and grandchildren, we will miss Austin Peay. To be clear, we will miss you and our students.
It’s been a privilege to work with you, to learn from you, and to tell the Austin Peay story—your story—to our internal and external communities. Thank you for your passion for students, your dedication to our mission, and the manner in which you lead with excellence. Govs truly lead.
Although we are living in uncertain times, I have great confidence in Austin Peay’s Board of Trustees, the Senior Leadership Team and the faculty and staff to continue to move the University forward. Austin Peay is fortunate to have a talent pool that is both broad and deep.
Thank you for your professionalism and your kindnesses. Thank you for the notes of encouragement over the years. Thank you for making this campus and the community a wonderful home for Elliott and me.
Alisa White