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Meet Amanda McNair, whose Instagram photos evoked ‘Love it!’ from Pillsbury

APSU computer science senior Amanda McNair wants to be a software developer who focuses on designing products that will touch people’s lives.

(Posted March 17, 2020)

On St. Patrick’s Day last year, Austin Peay student Amanda McNair posted an Instagram photo of her dressed in green – from neon green wig atop her head to the green that lined her Chuck Taylor soles. 

The green held a gentle presence, though, compared to the orange splashes in the photo – her Chucks, earrings, scarf and sunglasses all screamed bright orange.

“I love art and creativity, so I try to bring that into my life,” said McNair, who is set to graduate with two computer science degrees in May. “I like doing themes whether it’s Valentine’s Day or Christmas. 

That means her St. Patrick’s Day post was a typical holiday post for her. But her other 2019 posts were not. A friend challenged McNair to post a story every day for her New Year’s resolution.

“I’m more of a picture person, so I came up with the idea to post a photo every day, then I thought, ‘Oh, my gosh! That’s 365 different posts,” she said. “If you check it out, I switched out the wigs every single day, but I actually completed it, my New Year’s resolution.” 

Yes, McNair posted an elaborate Instagram photo shoot nearly every day in 2019. Here’s a sampling of one post from each month:

APSU computer science senior Amanda McNair wants to be a software developer who focuses on designing products that will touch people’s lives.
McNair's March 17, 2019, post. 

“I took a lot of the photos myself because I couldn’t find someone to take a picture of me every single day,” McNair said. 

McNair is focusing on holidays this year and not posting every day because, “It was just so much work.” But her posts were a hit.

“Some people were amazed, some people were always looking forward to it,” she said. “When I stopped, they were sad because it brought them joy. I didn’t think it would bring anyone any.”

APSU computer science senior Amanda McNair wants to be a software developer who focuses on designing products that will touch people’s lives.
McNair on Jan. 1, 2019.

Pursuing two computer science degrees

APSU computer science senior Amanda McNair wants to be a software developer who focuses on designing products that will touch people’s lives.
McNair earlier this year on her birthday.

McNair is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in computer information systems and another in computer information technology. She’s also pursuing a minor in mobile software technology.

She applies some of her colorfulness to her studies too.

“I always have to make it look really artsy; I don’t do the bare minimum,” McNair said. “Some people think my work is kind of crazy, but others, they’re like, ‘Wow, that’s really cool.

“It shows that not all computer science people are boring or don’t have creativity,” she added. “I’m the exception to the stereotype.” 

McNair wants to be a software developer who focuses on designing products that will touch people’s lives. 

“I really want to combine art and the code together,” she said.

Austin Peay State University has helped her to that goal.

“As I’ve learned more and different (computer) languages, I feel so much more confident,” McNair said. “My communication skills are better, and now that I’m a senior, my leadership skills are on point, and I know they’ll get better.”

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