APSU’s Markov named HIP Pathway Ambassador by TBR
By: Colby Wilson February 18, 2025

Dr. Sergei Markov, professor and interim chair of APSU’s Department of Biology, aims to help colleagues across the state implement study abroad programs as a HIP Pathway Ambassador.
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. — Dr. Sergei Markov, professor and interim chair of Austin Peay State University’s Department of Biology, has been named a High Impact Practices (HIP) Pathway Ambassador for 2025 by the Tennessee Board of Regents.
HIPs are evidence-based teaching and student-experience activities, such as study abroad programs, that help students learn, advance, and graduate. Markov will share his insights on implementing study abroad programs with colleagues and provide resources for faculty across the state looking to implement their own HIPs.
Markov has been involved in study abroad for many years, organizing a total of 12 programs to Belize and the United Kingdom, among other countries. He previously published the APSU Study Abroad Magazine, a comprehensive guide for those interested in studying abroad, and plans to resume the project in the coming year.
“Studying in another country can really change students’ lives,” Markov said. “It will open new horizons for our students, develop the student’s self-confidence and create new life opportunities for them.”
Previous classes of HIP Ambassadors have included only faculty from Tennessee’s community and technical colleges, but a new component this year is the inclusion of HIP Pathway Ambassadors – faculty from universities that were part of the TBR system when the HIP program was launched 11 years ago. In this role, Markov and other ambassadors are providing needed guidance to colleagues across the system to help smooth the transfer process from community and technical colleges to four-year universities.
For more information on this program, visit TBR.edu.
About the Austin Peay College of STEM
The College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) provides studies for students in the areas of agriculture, astronomy, aviation sciences, biology, chemistry, computer science, earth and environmental sciences, engineering physics, engineering technology, information technology, mathematics, medical laboratory sciences, radiologic sciences and physics. Our outstanding, discipline-based programs are student-centered and designed to prepare students for responsible positions at all levels of research, industry, education, medicine and government.