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APSU alumna to perform at Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Vanessa Cobb.(Posted on Tuesday, May 30, 2023)

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. - Austin Peay State University alumna and Montgomery Central High School director of bands Vanessa Cobb has been chosen to join approximately 400 band directors from across the country to march in the iconic Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on Nov. 23, 2023.

Cobb will perform on trumpet as part of Saluting America’s Band Directors, a group organized by the nonprofit Michael D. Sewell Memorial Foundation to recognize the impact of music educators nationwide.

“It was really exciting to be selected,” said Cobb, who earned her bachelor’s degree in liberal arts and master’s degree in music from Austin Peay. “I got the email a couple of months ago, and I [still] can’t fathom right now that I’m going to be walking down the street as part of the Macy’s Day Parade.”

She first learned about the opportunity from colleagues who participated in Saluting America’s Band Directors’ performance at the 2022 Rose Parade.

“That was the first time the group actually marched in a parade, and I had a couple of Nashville band director friends who were part of it,” Cobb said. “It sounded like something I’d really like to do, so I applied for this year’s performance at Macy’s.”

Cobb went through a highly competitive selection process for her spot in the parade. Band directors who performed at the Rose Bowl were given priority, and she also had to submit a form with background information about her career – but it wasn’t long before she heard back.

“Our music went out a couple of days ago, so I’m already starting to practice,” she said. “I have a musical family, so they’re understanding of a loud trumpet being played in the house at night. But honestly, I don’t play as much as I did in college, so it’s been nice to find time to get reacquainted with my instrument.”

Cobb plans to continue practicing until the trip, which is scheduled from Nov. 19-23 to allow for plenty of rehearsal time and sightseeing.

“It’s my understanding that we’re also going to play at the 9/11 Memorial, which I think will be a very solemn and emotional experience,” she said. “With our band programs, they’re encouraging us to take one or two of the pieces we’re going to play there and have our own performance for service members around 9/11.”

That could be a dedication at a football game or a community performance, but Cobb said MCHS’s band program is excited to honor service members this fall.

“I think it’s great to be able to bring my kids into the experience of what I’m about to do,” Cobb said. “I’m looking forward to talking with my students about what that means for our country and how it feels to be able to perform at the memorial.”

Cobb’s students will also be able to connect with her on the trip through the Band App, which MCHS uses as a closed social media platform for its band program.

“My plan is to create a bunch of daily videos and posts while I’m on the trip so the kids can be a part of it,” she said. “I’m blessed to have found such a great home here at MCHS, and I have some of the best students.”

Cobb said her class is already invested in her journey, and they’ve been working to help her raise the $3,800 she needs to travel to New York for the parade.

“We just had a band banquet [recently], and they actually raised money for me to pay for the trip,” she said. “They had a bake sale and raised $750, and it’s my understanding that they have a car wash planned for June or July.”

Cobb has also organized a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for the trip, and said Austin Peay has already helped by preparing her to perform on the national stage.

“I did my undergrad in liberal arts, so I spent a lot of time becoming a musician and getting really familiar with playing my instrument,” she said. “From there, I went straight into my master’s … I had a lot of podium time in front of groups, and I think my [musical] ear and content knowledge grew from doing it that way. I have nothing but great memories from my time there.”

For more information about Saluting America’s Band Directors, visit https://banddirectorssalute.org. To contribute to Cobb’s GoFundMe campaign, visit https://gofund.me/899fee48.