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APSU PR and Marketing wins 12 awards at 2023 TCPRA state conference

Ron Morton celebrate the track's new name. (Photo: Sean McCully, photography and video coordinator)

(Posted on Wednesday, May 31, 2023)

The Office of Public Relations and Marketing at Austin Peay State University received 12 awards at the Tennessee College Public Relations Association (TCPRA) 2023 State Conference held in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, on May 24-26.

TCPRA – an alliance of communicators across the state representing public and private colleges and universities, technical schools, technology centers and community colleges – awarded gold, silver and bronze distinctions in various writing, design, publication and photography categories. This year’s contest included more than 300 entries for the contest period between April 2022 and March 2023.

The University’s public relations and marketing office, in collaboration with the university's colleges, captured the following awards:

Austin Peay's hot sauce labels, designed in-house. (Design: Beth Rates)

Gold Awards

Silver Awards

The Governor's Yule Log

Bronze Awards

“This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our talented team at the Office of Public Relations and Marketing,” said Dannelle Whiteside, vice president for Legal Affairs and Organizational Strategy, which includes PR & Marketing. “We are committed to showcasing the achievements and unique experiences offered by Austin Peay State University, and these awards validate our efforts in effectively communicating our message to a wider audience.”

Executive Director Bill Persinger leads the Office of PR & Marketing, which includes Jana Gilbert, director of projects and printing; Hannah Eden, director of marketing; Brian Dunn, senior director of communication; Lori Moore, business manager; Rollow Welch, assistant director for design; Jacob Culwell, IT campus webmaster; Grayson Nicholson, digital content specialist; Beth Rates, graphic designer; David Johnson, assistant director of design; Sean McCully, photography and video coordinator; and Ethan Steinquest, university editor. The Govs Print staff includes Matthew Hemby, print shop supervisor, and Landon Stinson, graphics print specialist.

The team worked with the colleges of arts and letters, STEM, education, and business on the projects. The communication director for the College of Business is Elaina Russell. The communication director for the College of Arts and Letters is Kara Zahn. The communication director of the Eriksson College of Education is Megan Simpson.

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