APSU online computer science program ranked nationally
The Austin Peay State University Department of Computer Science and Information Technology recently landed in the top 25 of a national ranking of online computer science programs.
Successful Student – found online at successfulstudent.org – ranked the department 17th in its “The Best Online Computer Science Degree Programs” list, released earlier this fall.
“The department meets the needs of traditional and nontraditional students via flexible online programs, scholarship and internship opportunities and more,” according to the website.
The website ranks the University of Florida No. 1, Oregon State No. 2., Florida State No. 3, Auburn No. 4 and DePaul No. 5. No other university in Tennessee makes the ranking.
Dr. Leong Lee, chair of the APSU Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, said universities are increasing their online offerings in an inevitable trend.
“In Tennessee, we see a growing demand for such online programs, especially from nontraditional students, like soldiers who are posted around the world and working adults who cannot attend regular classes,” he said. “We are proud that our programs are recognized and hope to continue to provide quality education to the public.”
Successful Student uses a proprietary methodology to produce its rankings, and “all ranking articles are made with the student in mind,” according to its website.
“We selected the online computer science degree programs based on the quality of the program, types of courses offered, the faculty, awards, rankings, reputation and the online education method,” Brian Jenkins, Successful Student senior vice president, said.
- To see the complete list of top online computer science programs, visit https://successfulstudent.org/the-best-online-computer-science-degree-programs/.
- For more about the APSU Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, visit https://www.apsu.edu/csci/.