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Austin Peay guarantees admission and $1,000 scholarship for students with 3.0 GPA

By: Brian Dunn September 26, 2023

Students gather in APSU's Woodward Library during a campus recruitment event.
Students gather in APSU's Woodward Library during a campus recruitment event.
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. — Austin Peay State University (APSU) announced today that any high school senior graduating with a 3.0 grade-point average (GPA) will be automatically admitted and receive a $1,000 scholarship, the Governors Excellence Scholarship.
“This is an excellent opportunity for high school seniors by keeping college affordable,” APSU President Mike Licari said. “We offer one of the best values in Tennessee for completing a bachelor’s degree. Our tuition and fees are among the lowest in the state, and our students graduate with less debt than the national average. Considering a college graduate’s first-year salary is more than $20,000 higher than high school graduates at the same age, our entire state wins by encouraging high school students to get a degree.”
APSU also offers a tuition guarantee, titled the Govs Guarantee, which locks tuition, fees and housing costs in for a student’s first year if they sign up for Governors Orientation by May 1, 2024.
High school students wishing to apply can visit www.apsu.edu/apply for details.
While standardized test scores are not required for admission, submitting those scores along with higher GPAs could open the door for more significant scholarships. A variety of scholarships are available, and applications for 2024-25 open on Sunday, Oct. 1, 2023. For more information, visit www.apsu.edu/scholarships.