Austin Peay, Sierra Club to partner for Sustainability Forum on Sept. 12
By: Colby Wilson September 5, 2024

Michelle Rogers, an APSU biology instructor, is coordinating an upcoming Sustainability Forum on campus with the Clarksville-Montgomery County Sierra Club. Twelve candidates running for local and state office are scheduled to appear.
CLARKSVILLE, Tennessee — Austin Peay State University’s College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and the Clarksville-Montgomery County Sierra Club will host a Sustainability Forum at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12 in the Sundquist Science Complex with candidates running for local and state office.
JoAnn McIntosh, chair of the Clarksville-Montgomery County Sierra Club, will serve as moderator and question candidates on their policies related to affordable housing, clean energy, green spaces, waste reduction and other long-term sustainability concerns relevant to the greater Clarksville community.
“If our future state legislators and local officials see a crowd at this event, they will have to consider how their decisions affect our health, our living conditions, and our future,” said Michelle Rogers, an APSU biology instructor who is helping to coordinate the event. “I’ll be interested in how they plan to maintain quality of life for Montgomery County residents, providing for housing and other needs without destroying the natural beauty here.”
The forum will be held in Room E106A in the Sundquist Science Complex. Eight city and county candidates will speak from 4:30-5:45 p.m., with four state candidates scheduled to appear from 6-7 p.m. This event is open to the public and will be livestreamed and shared on YouTube. Free parking on campus will be available after 4 p.m. in Lot 9 on College Street; please enter the lot from either Ford Street or Ninth Street. Due to time constraints, questions will not be taken from the audience during the event.
This event is cosponsored by the Austin Peay Sustainability Club, the APSU Department of Biology and the Center of Excellence for Field Biology.
About the Austin Peay College of STEM
The College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) provides studies for students in the areas of agriculture, astronomy, aviation sciences, biology, chemistry, computer science, earth and environmental sciences, engineering physics, engineering technology, information technology, mathematics, medical laboratory sciences, radiologic sciences and physics. Our outstanding, discipline-based programs are student-centered and designed to prepare students for responsible positions at all levels of research, industry, education, medicine and government positions.