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APSU Astronomy Observations

This page is for the APSU Astronomy classes observations and is not for general public use.

Due to cloudy skies and a chance for rain, the Dark Sky Observing Night for Wednesday February 26 is cancelled. The back-up night for it is Thursday February 27 and the weather forecast for it is excellent so plan on coming to it if you can. Activities will start at 7:00pm at the APSU Observatory.

The Observations requirement for this semester is in-person, although the Dark Sky part can be completed by doing the Virtual Observations instead of attending a Dark Sky Night. We host two types of observing nights for the introductory astronomy classes: First Quarter and Dark Sky. See the links below for how the observations will go this semester

Observations S25

First Quarter Observing Nights

Dark Sky Observing Nights

Virtual Observations

Observations Report

Map and Directions to APSU Observatory