Vendor Resources
How to do business with Austin Peay State University
You will first need to register as a vendor. Registering with the APSU allows you to receive purchase orders, contracts, and bid opportunities related to our procurement transactions. Govs e-Shop is the University's eProcurement system. The University maintains a directory of registered vendors that includes the materials, supplies, equipment, or services each vendor is able to furnish to the University. Please scroll to the lower part of the page for bid opportunities and bids awarded in the past.
To become a registered vendor fill out the appropriate forms and return them to or
- Minority Ethnicity Form - Please be sure to fill in box 1, 2, and 6.
- W-9 - Please completely fill out and manually sign the form. The name that is on the first line is what will be the vendor name.
- ACH - Please completely fill out and manually sign the form.
- TCA 50-1-703 - Per the Tennessee Lawful Employment Act, nonemployees, such as independent contractors, must provide a copy of a valid Tennessee driver's license or other valid document as listed under TCA 50-1-703.
- Vendor Application - Please be sure to answer questions 4 and 8.
- W-9 - Please completely fill out and manually sign the form. The name that is on the first line is what will be the vendor name.
- ACH - Please completely fill out and manually sign the form.
- Commodity Codes - List of vendor commodity codes for section 10 of the Vendor Application.
Vendors that have been debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible for doing business with the Federal Government are ineligible to do business with Austin Peay State University.
Registration does not guarantee that all bidders will receive Requests for Quotations (RFQ) or Requests for Proposals (RFP).