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Why Study Physics

Any student interested in physics, astrophysics, or engineering and wanting to learn to tackle difficult problems, will enjoy a degree in Physics.

Physics is the study of the physical universe; if you can touch it or imagine it, from the subatomic to the cosmological, it’s physics. The physics major is a customizable degree built around a core of courses that teach you different tools for solving complex problems (experimental, theoretical, and computational) along with a core of physics content courses (mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics). The program also includes 18 credit hours of electives that can be chosen from an expansive list that includes many courses from other science and engineering disciplines. This gives you options. Graduate school in physics? Take more physics classes. Computational science? Take computer science classes. Biomaterials researcher? Take biology and chemistry classes. They all count toward your degree. Physics graduates go on to graduate and professional school in fields such as physics, astronomy, engineering, computer science, medical physics, medicine, law, and finance. Physics graduates can be found working in a variety of fields under titles such as physicist, engineer, analyst, and consultant

We emphasize undergraduate student research, small class sizes and faculty-student interaction. All students complete the program with a capstone project. Our faculty are highly qualified individuals with expertise in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Computational Science, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nanophotonics, and Quantum Theory.

What will I Learn


Program Information

Physics Program Requirements

Physics Sample 4 Year Plan

General Education Core