Austin Peay State University Staff Senate Mission Statement
Austin Peay State University Staff Senate is a comprehensive body that works collaboratively to ensure staff are actively involved in university governance and serves as a liaison between staff, faculty, and the administration to improve the quality of life experienced by all at the university.
This mission will be accomplished by:
- Advising the University President and actively contributing to the university’s shared governance,
- Advocating for action and improvements by proactively listening and addressing the needs and concerns identified by staff,
- Encouraging the collaboration of staff throughout the university to foster service, change, and fellowship initiatives, and
- Educating and informing university constituents on all deliberations and actions of the Staff Senate.
Austin Peay State University Staff Senate Vision Statement Statement
The Austin Peay State University Staff Senate’s vision is to create and maintain a diverse and inclusive community aimed at serving, representing, and advocating for staff while enhancing communication at all levels to improve the quality of life at the university.