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Discounts and Waivers

A variety of fee discounts and waivers are available students. Please note the deadline to submit your forms is last day of late registration for each term (please see Important Dates or the Academic Calendar for deadlines for each term).

**Remember to submit a new form each term. We must have a new form every term to process your discount/waiver.

How do I submit my form?

Questions? Call Student Account Services at (931) 221-6285 or email us at discounts@apsu.edu

IMPORTANT: Waivers are for EMPLOYEES and 
Discounts are for DEPENDENTS & SPOUSES of the employee.

1 Course per Term (up to 4 credit hours max) - covers Tuition (Undergraduate or Graduate), Program Service Fees/FC Tech Fee and Online Course Fee (if applicable) *does NOT cover special course fees (i.e. Nursing Fees, Business Fees, etc.)


* No more than 4 courses per academic year (academic year is Fall, Spring & Summer)

  • Must be full-time employee as of first day of class.
  • Go to OneStop, click Web Self Service, Employee tab, Benefits and Deductions and then "APSU Fee Waiver." **can only be filled out after you are registered for the course
  • Follow prompts to fill out form and then submit for approval - form goes to supervisor for approval, then HR for their approval and then to SAS for processing (you will get an email from SAS once the form is processed).

APSU Class Terms


APSU Policy 5:001


** Questions? Contact the APSU Human Resources Office at 931-221-7177.

6 Credit Hours Max per Term

  • At APSU: covers Tuition (Undergraduate or Graduate), Program Service Fees/FC Tech Fee and Online Course Fee (if applicable) *does NOT cover special course fees (i.e. Nursing Fees, Business Fees, etc.)

* No more than 6 forms (36 credit hours) per academic year (academic year is Fall, Spring & Summer)

  • Must be full-time employee as of first day of class.
  • Go to OneStop, click Web Self Service, Employee tab, Benefits and Deductions and then "APSU Reimbursement." **can only be filled out after you are registered for the course
  • Follow prompts to fill out form and then submit for approval - form goes to supervisor for approval, then HR for their approval and then to SAS for processing (you will get an email from SAS once the form is processed).

APSU Class Terms


APSU Policy 5:001


** Questions? Contact the APSU Human Resources Office at 931-221-7177.

Reimbursement Rates


6 Credit Hours Max per Term

  • At other Universities: Pays up to what APSU would charge for that same degree per credit hour.
  • For Doctorate courses: We match the UT rates.

* No more than 6 forms (36 credit hours) per academic year (academic year is Fall, Spring & Summer)

  • Must be full-time employee as of first day of class.
  • Go to OneStop, click Web Self Service, Employee tab, Benefits and Deductions and then "PC191 Form." **can only be filled out after you are registered for the course
  • Follow prompts to fill out form and then submit for approval - form goes to supervisor for approval, then HR for their approval and then to SAS for processing (you will get an email from SAS once the form is processed).
  • Must submit a Fee Statement from University attending as well as your schedule of classes.

APSU Class Terms


APSU Policy 5:0010


** Questions? Contact the APSU Human Resources Office at 931-221-7177.

APSU ROTC Fee Waiver & Reimbursement Form


Fee Waiver:

  • 1 Course per Term (up to 4 credit hours max) - covers Tuition (Undergraduate or Graduate), Program Service Fees/FC Tech Fee and Online Course Fee (if applicable) *does NOT cover special course fees (i.e. Nursing Fees, Business Fees, etc.)
  • * No more than 4 courses per academic year (an academic year is Fall, Spring & Summer)

APSU Tuition Reimbursement:

  • 6 Credit Hours Max per Term
    • At APSU: Covers all tuition and fees charged for course. 
    • At other Universities: Pays up to what APSU would charge for that same degree per credit hour.
    • For Doctorate courses: We match the UT rates.
  • * No more than 6 forms (36 credit hours) per academic year (an academic year is Fall, Spring & Summer)

** Available for all APSU ROTC Cadre, must be full-time employee as of first day of class. Employees must use this form for classes at all schools (to include UT). Fill out the form, then submit it to APSU HR for approval.

  • If attending APSU: Submit form to Student Account Services after HR approval.
  • If attending another University: Submit form to that University's Bursar Office or Business Office (talk to them to see where it needs to be submitted).

APSU Class Terms


APSU Policy 5:001


** Questions? Contact the APSU Human Resources Office at 931-221-7177.

50% off In-State Tuition, Program Service Fees/FC Technology Access Fees and Online Course Fees (if applicable).

  • Available for Undergraduate courses ONLY
  • Dependents (age 26 and younger) and spouses of those who are full-time employees as of the start date of classes.
If class is at APSU:
  • Go to OneStop, click Web Self Service, Employee tab, Benefits and Deductions and then "Spouse and Dependent Waiver." Fill it out online to be submitted to HR for approval.
If class is NOT at APSU:

APSU Policy 5:005


** Questions? Contact the APSU Human Resources Office at 931-221-7177.

APSU ROTC Spouse/Dependent Discount Form


50% off In-State Tuition, Program Service Fees/FC Technology Access Fees and Online Course Fees (if applicable).

  • Available for Undergraduate courses ONLY
  • Dependents (age 26 and younger) and spouses of those who are full-time employees as of the start date of classes.

** Available for all APSU ROTC Cadre, must be full-time employee as of first day of class. Employees must use this form for classes al all schools (to include UT). Fill out the FORM, then submit it to APSU HR for approval.

  • If attending APSU: Submit form to Student Account Services after HR approval.
  • If attending another University: Submit form to that University's Bursar Office or Business Office (talk to them to see where it needs to be submitted).

APSU Policy 5:005


** Questions? Contact the APSU Human Resources Office at 931-221-7177.

1 Course per Term - covers Tuition (Undergraduate or Graduate), Program Service Fees/FC Tech Fee and Online Course Fee (if applicable) *does NOT cover special course fees (i.e. Nursing Fees, Business Fees, etc.)


* No more than 4 courses per academic year (academic year is Fall, Spring & Summer)


Form available by your Institution's HR Department


APSU Policy 5:044


** Questions regarding your form? Contact the Human Resources office at your school

50% off In-State Tuition, Program Service Fees/FC Technology Access Fees and Online Course Fees (if applicable).

  • Available for Undergraduate courses ONLY
  • Dependents (age 26 and younger) and spouses of those who are full-time employees as of the start date of classes.

Form available by your Institution's HR Department


APSU Policy 5:044


** Questions regarding your form? Contact the Human Resources office at your school

1 Course per Term - covers Tuition (Undergraduate or Graduate) and Program Service Fees/FC Tech Fee. *does NOT cover online course fees or special course fees (i.e. Nursing Fees, Business Fees, etc.)


Form available by your Institution's HR Department


APSU Policy 5:044


** Questions regarding your form? Contact the Human Resources office at your school

50% off In-State Undergraduate Tuition ONLY.

  • Dependents (age 26 and younger) and spouses of those who are full-time employees as of the start date of classes.

Form available by your Institution's HR Department


APSU Policy 5:044


** Questions regarding your form? Contact the Human Resources office at your school

 State Employee Fee Waiver


1 Course per Term - covers Tuition (Undergraduate or Graduate) and Program Service Fees/FC Tech Fee ONLY. *does NOT cover online course fees or special course fees (i.e. Nursing Fees, Business Fees, etc.)

  • Can be used for mini terms like Fall A & Fall B (courses cannot overlap). Examples:
    • Fall, Spring, and 2 separate Summer Terms
    • Fall A, Fall B, Spring A, and Spring B
    • Fall, Winter, Spring and MayMester or any Summer terms

* No more than 4 courses per academic year (an academic year is Fall, Spring & Summer)

  • Must be a full-time state employee as of the first day of classes.
  • Does NOT include teachers or county employees, MUST be paid by the State of TN.
  • Please make sure your name is listed on the Fee Waiver as it is with the State of TN.

APSU Policy 5:044


** Questions? Contact Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) at 615-741-3605.

State Dependent Form


25% off In-State Undergraduate Tuition ONLY (does not include any fees).

  • State employee must be full-time as of first day of classes.
  • Dependent must be Under the age of  24 at the start date of classes.
  • For Retired or Deceased State Employees:
    • Once Retired or Deceased Employee status has been verified by State of TN HR, it does not need to be signed by an employer again - just submit discount form directly to the SAS Office (must by signed by parent and student only).

APSU Policy 5:044


** Questions? Contact Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) at 615-741-3605.

Public School Teacher Discount Form


25% off In-State Undergraduate Tuition ONLY (does not include any fees).

  • Teacher must have a valid (non-expired) Tennessee License.
  • Dependent must be Under the age of 24 at the start date of classes.
  • For Retired or Deceased TN Teachers:
    • Please have TCRS sign the form to verify retirement, please submit the form to them at TCRS.Financial@tn.gov and once they've approved it, submit it to the Student Account Services Office.
    • Once Retired or Deceased Teacher status has been verified by TCRS, it does not need to be signed by TCRS again - just submit discount form directly to the SAS Office (must by signed by parent and student only).

APSU Policy 5:044


** Questions? Contact Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) at 615-741-3605.

Dependent Children Scholarship Program


The Dependent Children Scholarship Program provides aid for Tennessee residents who are dependent children of a Tennessee law enforcement officer, firefighter, or an emergency medical service technician who has been killed or totally and permanently disabled while performing duties within the scope of such employment. The parent must be a Tennessee resident and have been on duty when the incident occurred. 


** Questions? Contact Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) at 615-741-3605.

Tennessee residents age 60 or older, along with those who are permanently or totally disabled, may audit (take without earning college credit) a course without paying fees as provided by Tennessee law. To do so, the student must file a birth certificate or physician’s certification of permanent, total disability with the APSU Office of the Registrar. Forms will be duplicated and originals returned to students.


Tennessee residents who will turn 65 or older during the semester/term – along with students who are permanently, totally disabled – may register in courses for college credit at a discounted tuition rate. Students are accepted according to the space available. Students pay half of the regular cost per credit hour, with a maximum of $70 in tuition per semester. The Program Service Fee is waived, but students must pay any special course fees (online course fee, College of STEM fee, etc.) and textbook charges associated with classes on their schedule. Appropriate documentation is required. Contact the Registrar's Office for registration timetables and procedures at (931) 221-7121.

This program allows uniformed military personnel stationed outside of Tennessee to pay in-state tuition rates for credit ArmyIgnitED courses instead of more expensive out-of-state tuition rates. The waiver applies to campus-based and online courses. Students eligible for this program will be classified as “out-of-state,” but will receive an out-of-state fee waiver equal to the difference between in-state tuition and out-of-state tuition. The out-of-state fee waiver is available to spouses and family members of active duty military personnel.
This program allows uniformed military personnel stationed outside of Tennessee to pay in-state tuition rates for credit ArmyIgnitED courses instead of more expensive out-of-state tuition rates. Students eligible for this program will be classified as “out-of-state,” but will receive an out-of-state fee waiver equal to the difference between in-state tuition and out-of-state tuition. The program is available to all uniformed military personnel stationed outside Tennessee, regardless of whether their fees are paid by the Army or from personal funds. The out-of-state fee waiver is available to spouses and family members of active duty military personnel.
Eligible military spouses may receive up to $4,000 of MyCAA Financial Assistance (FA) to aid in the pursuit of education, training, licenses, certificates and degrees leading to employment in “portable” career fields. Apply for benefits via the MyCAA Web site. Once you receive approval for MyCAA financial assistance, the approval notification must be emailed to Shanon Manly manlys@apsu.edu.

This amendment to TCA Title 49, Chapter 7 provides that every dependent child of certain veterans or spouses of certain veterans may receive educational assistance in the form of a waiver of tuition, maintenance fees, activity fees, and/or required registration and/or matriculation fees, if certain age limits, time periods for eligibility and residency requirements are met. Contact the APSU Veterans Education Benefits Office at (931) 221-7760 for more information and verification procedures. 


Application Form

CH 33 - Post 9/11, CH 31 - VA Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment, CH 35 - Survivor and Dependents Assistance, etc. See the APSU Office of Veterans Education Benefits