Alcohol & Other Drug Education
Welcome to the Austin Peay State University's alcohol and drug education. This website is dedicated to providing students, staff, faculty, and parents information related to alcohol and drug abuse prevention resources and information. Please use the links to the left to navigate through the site.
Alcohol & Other Drug Philosophy
Austin Peay State University’s fundamental purpose is to produce educated men and women equipped to use their abilities productively and wisely. The curricula and extra-curricular activities of the University are routes to intellectual maturity and means to the development of ideas, insights, values and competencies which form a permanent, personal capacity for thought and action. The University strives to provide an environment for students to construct their own education and to acquire the means of making self-education the rewarding enterprise of a lifetime, enabling them to become effective agents of social change. An environment free of the illegal or abusive use of alcohol or other drugs by members of the academic community encourages this educational development. Therefore, Austin Peay State University is committed to having a campus that is free of alcohol and other drug use.
In keeping with its primary purpose, Austin Peay will utilize educational strategies as its major approach to the problem of alcohol and other drug use. It is important, however, that everyone be aware that any member of the University community who uses illegal drugs or abuses any drug including alcohol may be subject to prosecution and punishment by the civil authorities and to disciplinary proceedings by the University. Austin Peay’s interest in punishing offenders is not punitive but rather to establish clear limits of conduct for all members of the campus community.
This policy does NOT punish people who seek rehabilitation. All information provided by people who voluntarily avail themselves of alcohol or other drug counseling or rehabilitation services will be confidential. It will NOT be used against the individual seeking assistance.