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Students riding bikes on the Greenway

Sustainability is the capacity to balance the present needs of people, the economy and the environment, while protecting the needs of future generations.

Campus Sustainability

We are a Green Campus!

And it's the STUDENTS that are making it happen! In 2008, when students committed to a $10 fee per semester, APSU started its journey to become a greener campus, and it has!

Faculty demonstrate their commitment to sustainability with courses and curricula, while incorporating green practices into their classroom. Campus community members are committed to reducing, reusing, recycling, and conserving resources like energy and water when they are on campus and at home!

Water Filling Stations on Campus
Solar Charging Stations
Community Bcycle Solar Bikes

Campus Initiatives

Water bottle refillings station Football players entering the field Pair of rubber boots hangning on a fence


Tree Campus Higher Education Clarksville Montgomery County Green Certification Program AASHE Member