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Charging Stations

Austin Peay hosts two ChargePoint electric vehicle charging stations. The first is located in parking lot #9 which is accessible from College Ave.or Ford St. and can accommodate two vehicles. The second is located in parking lot #6 behind the Foy and can accommodate two vehicles. 

Parking Map Indicating Charger Locations

Why Electric Vehicles?

Electric vehicles are called a “clean” technology because of the reduced impact on the environment. A cleaner environment means healthier people and a healthier planet. EV’s are becoming more common because people recognize the affordability of electric over gasoline, and because people recognize the urgency of reducing their impact on the planet!

Student about to charge her electric car on campus


Zero Impact Charging Station

The first APSU charging station located in lot #9 is powered by the sun! The solar canopy in the parking lot is directly connected to the charging station so that driving your car doesn’t require any fossil fuels. Both projects were funded by the Sustainable Campus Fee.