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Govs Seed Library

A collaboration between sustainability, agriculture, and student basic needs. 


The Govs Seed Library is located in the S.O.S. Food Pantry (319 Home Ave). 

Mission Statement 

The Govs Seed Library is dedicated to preserving and sharing organic seeds. Our mission is to promote sustainability and self-sufficiency in our campus community by:  

How It Works

  1. Stop by the S.O.S. Food Pantry, pick out your seed packets, and fill out the checkout form. Each packet contains enough seeds to grow 2-3 plants.  
  2. Plant and grow your seeds in a personal or community garden.  
  3. At the end of your harvest, consider saving your seeds and donating some back to the seed library.  


We offer a range of vegetable, fruit, and herb seeds. Click here to access our seed inventory and growing tips: Seed Inventory 

Seed Saving Tips 

We aim to promote sustainability and heirloom seed preservation by encouraging our users to save their seeds from their harvest and donate back to the seed library. Click here to access seed saving tips:  


 Upcoming Events