Distance Education Overview
online@apsu.edu (931) 221-6625
Hello and welcome to Austin Peay State University. My name is Amar Moran and I'm the Director of Distance Education here at APSU. Distance Education is here to support your digital learning means. Our vision is to cultivate and inspire innovative teaching and learning. Our mission is to empower stakeholders to effectively employ emerging technologies and research-based teaching and learning practices. We are located in the McReynold's building on the second floor.
The Distance Education Department focuses on four main areas. Instructional design, instructional technology, LMS support, and special projects. We have a team of instructional designers ready to collaborate with you on content development, measurable objectives, online instructor presence, student engagement, course alignment, accessibility, and so much more. We also have an extensive course review process through our partnership with Quality Matters, we worked with you to earn the Quality Matters seal of excellence for online course design. We also offer Quality Matters workshops that are focused on course design. If this is something that interests you, contact their support desk at online@apsu.edu. Finally, our instructional designers have created a self registration clause in our Learning Management System, D2L, called Online Teaching Faculty Toolkit, which is a great resource for getting started with your online course to find self registration courses. Login to D2 all with your single sign-on credentials. Select self registration on the menu bar at the top of the page, right under the APSU banner.
We also have an instructional technology team or department works to provide APSU students, faculty, and staff with a robust instructional technology infrastructure. Some of our technologies we offer are tutor.com for anytime online tutoring, LinkedIn Learning for a micro video learning, Examity and Honor Lock online proctoring, Turn It In plagiarism detection, Zoom web conferencing, Yuja video management, and Camtasia and Snag It for video creation and editing. You have access to all these technologies. To learn more, please visit our website at www.apsu.edu/online.
Our special projects team manages compliance regulations data services in winter term. Winter term is a unique four-week term in December and January that students participate in to graduate faster or free up some of their spring schedule. You are also invited to teach winter term. Please contact your department chair if this is something that you are interested in.
Finally, we have our LMS support team that consists of our LMS administrator and our support desk here at Austin Peay. We use D2L Brightspace. Developing in an LMS might be challenging, but we are here to provide support every step of the way. We also have a self registration course in D2L that you can use to access short D2L video tutorials.
Our distance education support desk serves as our frontline. They field queries regarding our services and technologies, and they can direct you to the right subject-matter expert on the team who will be able to provide you with the best support possible. DE support can be reached at online@apsu.edu or (931) 221-6625. Thank you for taking the time to watch this presentation on the services we provide and the learning technologies we support. We look forward to working with you. And again, welcome to Austin Peay!
Distance Education provides or partners with other campus stakeholders to provide resources for students as well.
Distance Education Support helps faculty, staff, and students with all the technology and services we provide. Our team can be reached Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm at (931) 221-6625 or online@apsu.edu. While we support several tools used in the classroom, some tools are also used openly by students in and outside of the classroom.
Zoom web conferencing (opens in new window)
Tutor.com online tutoring (opens in new window)
Introduction to Online Courses Guide (opens new window)
Winter term (opens new window)
D2L Resources (opens new window)
Other Instructional Technology Tools Supported by Distance Education (opens new window)
Instructional Videos for Online and Hybrid Courses (opens new window)
Training Resources (opens new window)
Govs Go Digital (opens new window)