Instructional Technology
Distance Education supports many different types of technology tools to assist you
in your online, hybrid, and face-to-face classes whether you are a student or faculty.
If you would like to learn how to use any of these tools, please contact Distance
Education Support at or (931) 221-6625. Click on each logo to be redirected to each tool's support page.
Privacy and accessibility are important to Distance Education. We strive to provide
complete information on the tools we support with this DE Supported Tech Tools' Privacy Policies & ADA Statements list.
If you are not using Distance Education provided tools, please take into account these
tips for choosing and using instructional technology.
Tools Supported by Distance Education
D2L Brightspace, often referred to as simply D2L, is the Learning Management System
for our online classroom.
Honorlock uses a unique blend of online proctoring to support academic integrity. It is on-demand
and includes automated identity verification and live proctor pop-ins.
SmarterMeasure assists students in assessing, understanding, and improving the attributes,
skills, and knowledge needed to thrive in self-directed learning.
Camtasia Studio is a robust screen recording and video editing software that lets
you easily share your video.
Snagit is an easy, reliable platform that captures screenshots, records videos and
audio files, and allows for quick edits.
Turnitin provides instructors with the tools to deter plagiarism and provide personalized
feedback using rubrics, drag-and-drop, voice, and/or text comments. online tutoring is a 24/7/361* service that supports on campus and online students in a number of courses.
YuJa harnesses the power of media to educate, engage, inspire, and collaborate. Use
YuJa to create, host, manage, and edit video and audio files.
Zoom for web conferencing licenses are available for current faculty, staff, and students
using its own domain in the pursuit of teaching and learning.