Course Credit Hour Review
Purpose of the review of the implementation of APSU Credit Hour Policy
- To determine if the appropriate number of credit hours are awarded to the course in order to demonstrate compliance with SACSCOC Policy on Credit Hour and Standard 10.7 Policy for Awarding Credit.
- It is an exploration to find adequate evidence to verify that the amount and level of credit awarded for APSU courses adheres to the APSU Policy 2:064 Credit Hours.
What happens with the results?
- Results of the audit will be utilized by the relevant academic department to determine if a course requires changes to the amount and/or level of credit or alterations to the courses content and assignments.
- Academic Affairs will coordinate the effort, however, faculty will implement the audit. The audit is not to "penalize" faculty. Any Results that indicate a course or section might need adjustment will be addressed in a collaborative manner by and with faculty qualified in the discipline.
What courses are included in the audit?
That audit will include a random sampling of all courses, at all locations, and taught in all manners.
The random selection will be designed to include the following courses in the sample:
- course level: lower division and upper division undergraduate and graduate courses
- mode of delivery and location: courses taught at a variety of locations and delivery methods (face-to-face, hybrid, and online)
- session length (terms and parts of terms): courses taught in a variety of terms, such as full spring semester, 7-week terms, Wintermester, Maymester
- number of credit hours
- instructor type: course sections taught by full-time and part-time instructors
- schedule type: lecture, lab, practicum, internship, independent study, etc.
What information will be collected?
- The name and how the course is taught
- The approximate number of direct and indirect instruction hours
- Where the course is taught
How will this information be collected?
- Information will be collected through a Qualtrics survey. There are two different survey's depending on if your course is offered online or not.
- An email will be sent out letting departments and instructors know which courses have been chosen and how to access the survey.
Who will be involved?
- Instructor of Record
- Department Chair or Designee
- Academic Affairs Curriculum Coordinator
Direct Instruction
Instruction in which the Instructor is actively engaging with the students. These items are instructor led.
Classroom Setting
- Question and Answer
- Discussion over reading assignments
- Lecture
- Demonstrations
- Presenting a video
- Question and Answer about the lab
- Demonstration of lab techniques and experiments
Independent Study
- Could utilize information from the traditional and/or online instructional methods
Direct instruction in online learning is satisfied by seveal means which can include, but is not limited to, instructors provifing the following:
- Announcements
- Module/Unit introductions
- Descriptions/modeling of assignments and learning activities
- Written or video lectures
- Demonstration videos
- Presentations
- Discussions moderated by instructors
- Interactive tutorials
- Video conferencing
- Academic feedback
Indirect Instruction
Instruction in which the student is using tools they have learned to complete an assignment, paper or project. This could also be reading of text or journal articles related to course content.
Classroom Setting
- Chapter Reading
- Article Reading
- Interpretation of Data
- Completing a course paper, project or presentation
- Completion of questions regarding lab
Independenty Study
- Could utilize information from the online and traditional delivery methods.
Indirect instruction in online learning is satisfied by several means which can include, but is not limited to, the students doing the following:
- Completion of readings
- Completion of projects, papers, and presentations
- Interacting with peers in online discussions
- Interpretation of data
- Virtual study groups
- Group projects
- Simulations
Maintained by the Office of the Registrar, this information is used to define the procedures followed regarding the scheduling of academic classes/courses and the assigning of academic classrooms.