The Living Gallery
The Living Gallery is a dedicated space for student creative research in the heart of the new Art and
Design Building. This residency program accommodates ten dedicated student studios,
providing the invaluable resources - time and space to make work, an exhibition space
with which to exhibit those efforts, critical response from APSU’s robust Visiting
Artist program, and regular opportunities for public viewing - all designed to foster
high level independent creative research within the APSU Art and Design student community.
Each term, all students taking art classes are eligible to propose a project to use
these spaces. More than just a studio, this competitive student residency functions
as a campus hub and model for creative research within our university community. The
Living Gallery is an embodiment of the Department of Art and Design’s commitment to
provide a creative environment that enables students to ask questions, think critically,
and take risks as they gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary for a
meaningful, productive life and work as critical makers in a global society.
This term’s Living Gallery Artists in Residence are as follows: Aaron Schmittou, Adam Roberts, Ashante Kindle, Jasmyn Mullins, Katherine Tolleson, Kayla Barrie, Turner,
Khari, Rachel Prince, Rei Miller, Tyler Worthington.
The public is welcome to visit these dynamic studios as part of Clarksville’s First
Thursday Art Walk from 5-7pm. Learn more about the Clarksville Art Walk and upcoming APSU Art + Design exhibitions.