APSU Departments
APSU departments and organizations can utilize Handshake to streamline the hiring process for general campus student employment and graduate assistant positions. This platform ensures a smooth and efficient method for posting vacancies and managing applications in compliance with university policies.
In addition to posting student employment and graduate assistant positions, a Handshake employer account allows you to:
- Schedule on-campus interviews
- Book information sessions and tabling events
- Request resume books
- Register for career fairs and networking events
- Review applicants in Handshake for each position posting
- Report a hire
- Update employer profile information
- Share organization social media accounts
Posting On-Campus Positions
General Campus Student Employment
APSU departments can advertise general campus student employment positions through Handshake. Note that these positions should not be designated as federal work study or scholarship student positions. Requests for Federal Work Study placements should be directed to the Financial Aid Office.
Graduate Assistant Employment
Graduate Assistant positions must be posted on Handshake. Incoming and current graduate students have access to Handshake once they have applied to APSU.
Steps to Post a Position
- Register within Handshake as an employer by emailing Eric Morgan at morgane@apsu.edu.
- Log in to your Handshake account and post your job details.
- Ensure positions are categorized correctly (e.g., General Campus Employment, Graduate Assistant).
For detailed instructions, refer to the guide: How To Post Employment Positions
For any questions about posting student employment positions, please call the APSU Office of Career Success Center at (931) 221-6544 or email studentemployment@apsu.edu.
Additional Resources
General Campus Student Employment:
Student Employment Request Form
General Campus Student Employment Procedures
Student Employment Hiring Process flowchart
Graduate Assistant Employment:
Graduate Assistant Employment Procedures
Graduate Assistant Data Entry Form
Equal Opportunity Employment
All faculty, staff, internal, and external employers are required to provide equal opportunity for all employment postings offered for students and alumni of Austin Peay State University. Please reference APSU Policy 6:001 Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Nondiscrimination, which addresses the University's policy on equal opportunity, affirmative action, and nondiscrimination with regard to employees, applicants for employment, contractors, vendors, and students.
Frequently Asked Questions
To hire a General Campus student worker, you will need to create a posting in Handshake. Once the posting closes, you will receive an e-mail asking you to complete the Student Employment Request form. You will receive an email letting you know the hire has been approved and the student can begin working.
Student Employment Hiring Process flowchart
If your position needs to be unarchived in order to review and hire applicants, please email studentemployment@apsu.edu or call Career Success Center at 931-221-6543.
To hire a Graduate Assistant, you will need to create a posting in Handshake. Once the posting closes, you will receive an email asking you to indicate the students you wish to hire under Jobs > Student Resumes/Applications in your Handshake account. Please indicate these students in Handshake and send an email to gradstudies@apsu.edu with your recommendations for hire.
From there, the College of Graduate Studies will initiate an offer letter and GA agreement through DocuSign. Once your department has signed the GA agreement in DocuSign, please complete a GA Data Entry Form and send it to the College of Graduate Studies at gradstudies@apsu.edu. For an explanation of the Hiring Department Responsibilities, view the Graduate Assistant Hiring Process.
If your position needs to be unarchived in order to review and hire applicants, please email studentemployment@apsu.edu or call Career Success Center at 931-221-6543.
You do not need to post your student worker position in Handshake under the following circumstances:
You are requesting a work study or scholarship student. These placements are conducted through Financial Aid.
You are switching a graduate assistant, resident assistant, temporary employee, scholarship student or federal work study student to a General Campus position, you must complete the Student Employment Change Request Form.
You are rehiring a General Campus student worker for a new academic year into the same position he/she worked the previous semester. You must complete the Student Employment Change Request Form and select "Rehire Student for the Academic Year" within the Request Action dropdown menu.
Other exceptions considered on a case-by-case basis.
Please note that foregoing the normal advertisement process can often making the student employment hiring process more lengthy.
First, contact Career Success Center at (931) 221-6544 or studentemployment@apsu.edu to see if an account has been established for you. We can send a link inviting you to join the Handshake network.
Click Forgot Password under the Sign In button at https://app.joinhandshake.com/login
Log in to your Handshake account.
On the home screen, click on "Post a Job."
On the next screen, copy and paste your job description into the text box. Make sure the check box for automatic fill is selected and click "Continue."
Review all information parsed by the auto-fill tool and be sure to fill out any missing information.
Be sure to click that applications will be collected On Handshake.
Click Submit button to send pending job for approval. All jobs are subject to Career Success Center and Budgets Office approval prior to being posted for applications.
A full step-by-step posting guide is available here.
Students must submit resumes in order to apply for Student Employment and Graduate Assistant positions. Graduate assistant applicants may also request Letters of Recommendation through the Graduate Studies website.
To see all resumes and application materials submitted in response to job postings, go to Jobs > Student Resumes/Applications.
To review and download resumes, click on the Student Name, then click View Resume on the subsequent page.
Once you have reviewed all applicants, please update the dropdown menu next to each applicant's name with "Recommended for Hire" or "No Longer Being Considered."
You will receive an automated email from Career Success Center the day after your position expires. Once you have selected your preferred general campus student employment candidate, please reply to this email with the requested information so that Human Resources can initiate the next steps of the hiring process. The Graduate Assistant hiring process will be triggered by your selection within Handshake, but please send your selections to gradstudies@apsu.edu as well.
Please also send a courtesy email to all the students you did not select that the position has been filled.
Student positions must be advertised to ensure equal opportunity for employment. All departments must post their position on Handshake. After approvals have been acquired, Career Success Center will post the position for student viewing.
Students also receive notice of the newest positions on Handshake via periodically email.
Advertisements will be posted on Handshake for a minimum of five (5) business days. The posting will include a job description, pay rate, and qualifications.
At the end of the five-day posting period, a department hiring manager will review all applications, interview, and select the most qualified applicant(s) for the position. For student employment positions, please interview at least 2 applicants for a position if there are multiple applicants.
Please email Career Success Center at studentemployment@apsu.edu with your new requested job closing date. Career Success Center staff will update the posting, so that the job remains visible to students. If you edit a posting after its first approval, it will go into Pending status until approved by Career Success Center. While pending, the position will not be visible to students.
Need help or have questions? Contact us at csc@apsu.edu.